I just submitted my post and it has not shown up yet. When will it show up?
All posts are moderated to ensure their content is appropriate for SIGARCH and is properly formatted. Your post will be on the website once this process is completed, likely in a few days.
Can I post job postings to the SIGARCH mailing list?
We do not consider it appropriate to distribute job postings to through the mailing list. Please consider alternate venues such as the ACM Careers & Jobs section.
Will my post be automatically included in all future mail digests until its end date?
Based on the volume of Calls we get per month, we currently do not automatically include posts until their end date, as it would greatly increase the length of our monthly digest. Your post will automatically remain on the website, as well as listed on the Calendar. If you want to see your message repeated, you are encouraged to resubmit it to the website.