Championship Value Prediction
June 21, 2020
Championship Value Prediction
The year-round Championship Value Prediction (CVP) is still accepting submissions! After a new entry taking the lead in its Unlimited storage track in June 2019, we continue to encourage contestants to submit their ideas, knowing that outperforming the current leader of a track is not required to submit an entry. Accepted CVP submissions – including the ones that did not make it into the leaderboard – will be considered for inclusion in the next CVP workshop, that is tentatively planned to take place in 2020.
The goal for this competition is to compare different value prediction algorithms in a common framework. Predictors will be evaluated for all instructions producing a general-purpose register. Predictors must be implemented within a fixed storage budget as specified in the competition rules. The simple and transparent evaluation process enables dissemination of results and techniques to the larger computer architecture community and allows independent verification of results.
General Rules:
The championship has three tracks, each designing value predictors with different storage budgets: 8KB, 32KB, and unlimited size (Competitors can choose not to compete in a particular budget category). In each category an additional side buffer of unbounded size is allowed for tracking additional information used by the predictor (e.g., global history). Authors are also required to provide a 4-page write-up describing their contribution and how storage was allocated to the different hardware structures. Note that novelty is not a strict requirement, for example, a contestant may submit his/her previously published design or make incremental enhancements to a previously proposed design, on the implicit condition that the write-up contains new insight regarding why performance has increased.
All source code, write-ups and performance results will be made publicly available through the leaderboard (
We look forward to receiving new submissions, and we encourage you to spread the word about CVP’s format and mission to colleagues and/or students that could potentially be interested.