Call for Presentations:

4th Women in Logic Workshop (WiL) 2020

Abstract or Paper Registration Deadline
April 22, 2020
Final Submission Deadline
April 22, 2020

4th Women in Logic Workshop (WiL) 2020
Paris, Aubervilliers
30 June 2020

Submissions Due: April 22, 2020

Women in Logic 2020 is part of “Paris Nord Summer of LoVe 2020“, a joint event on LOgic and VErification at Université Paris 13, made of Petri Nets 2020, IJCAR 2020, FSCD 2020, and over 20 satellite events. The workshop will take place in Paris, Aubervilliers, on 30 June 2020.

Topics of interest of this workshop include but are not limited to:

automata theory, automated deduction, categorical models and logics, concurrency and distributed computation, constraint programming, constructive mathematics, database theory, decision procedures, description logics, domain theory, finite model theory, formal aspects of program analysis, formal methods, foundations of computability, higher-order logic, lambda and combinatory calculi, linear logic, logic in artificial intelligence, logic programming, logical aspects of bioinformatics, logical aspects of computational complexity, logical aspects of quantum computation, logical frameworks, logics of programs, modal and temporal logics, model checking, probabilistic systems, process calculi, programming language semantics, proof theory, real-time systems, reasoning about security and privacy, rewriting, type systems and type theory, and verification.

Important dates

Please submit an abstract of 1-2 pages by April 22, 2020 via EasyChair.

This will help us provide an interesting program, with only a light-weight selection procedure.


SIGLOG, VCLA and ILLC Travel Awards for WiL 2020

It is our pleasure to announce the call for the SIGLOG/VCLA/ILLC Travel Awards for attendees of Women in Logic Workshop 2020. Nominations must arrive no later than May 22, 2020