Call for Presentations:

3rd gem5 Users’ Workshop with ISCA 2020

Abstract or Paper Registration Deadline
April 10, 2020
Final Submission Deadline
April 10, 2020

3rd gem5 Users’ Workshop with ISCA 2020
May 30, 2020
Valencia, Spain

Presentations Due: April 10, 2020

The gem5 community is excited to announce the 3rd gem5 Users’ workshop held in conjunction with ISCA 2020 in Valencia, Spain. The goal of the workshop is to provide a forum to discuss what is going on in the community, how we can best leverage each other’s contributions, and how we can continue to make gem5 a successful community-supported simulation framework. The workshop will be a half day in the afternoon of May 30.

The workshop will follow a half-day “Learning gem5” tutorial.

The workshop will include a keynote presentation “RE-gem5 and gem5-20: Past, Present, and Future of the gem5 Community Infrastructure.”

We invite the gem5 community to submit abstracts (1-2 paragraphs) for short presentations. The scope of this workshop is broadly the gem5 user and development community. Topics of interest include:

  • New features added to gem5
  • New models added to gem5
  • Extensions and integrations with other simulators
  • Experience using gem5
  • Validation of gem5 models

We encourage accepted presentations to post a full paper to arXiv or other archival repository in order to give other users a citable source for your contribution. These sources may be cited in future gem5 release notes.

Please submit your abstracts via this Google Form. The deadline to submit an abstract is April 10th and we will send notifications by April 14th before the ISCA early registration deadline (April 16th). Due to the close proximity to other deadlines/conferences and the early registration deadline, there will not be any extension.

Form for abstract submission:

More information can be found on the gem5 website: Looking forward to seeing you in Valencia!