Call for Papers:

IEEE TC Special Issue on Communications for Many-Core Processors and Accelerators

Final Submission Deadline
August 15, 2020

Communications for Many-Core Processors and Accelerators
IEEE Transactions on Computers
Special Issue

Submissions Due: August 15, 2020

IEEE Transaction on Computers seeks original manuscripts for a Special Issue on Communications for Many-core Processors and Accelerators scheduled to appear in December 2020.

Communications in various forms have become increasingly important with the advent of diverse computing platforms, such as many-core CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, machine learning (ML) accelerators, and other domain-specific processors. Meanwhile, data-intensive workloads pose greater challenges to both on-chip and off-chip communications, whereas emerging technologies offer new opportunities for interconnection networks. These trends on architecture, application and technology require innovative communication designs for the next generation of computing systems. This special issue of IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) will explore academic and industrial research on all topics related to the communication issues in general-purpose and domain-specific processors.

Topics of interest to this special issue include, but not limited to:

– Communication architecture for ML accelerators and other application/domain specific processors
– Network interface designs for intra/inter-chip and rack-scale networks
– Security, reliability, and scalability of communications
– On-chip network architecture and implementation for CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs
– Emerging interconnect technologies, such as optical, wireless, CNT, 2.5D/3D
– New design methodologies (including ML-based) for communications
– Communication modeling/characterization, benchmarking, simulation, and verification
– Communications at un-core level, such as interactions with memory controllers, caches, storages
– Communications at large-scale (datacenter, edge and fog computing)
– Co-optimizations of communications with OS, compilers, and programming models

Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently submitted for journal publication elsewhere. Extended versions of published conference papers are welcome, but there must be at least 40% new impacting technical/scientific material in the submitted journal version, with a summarizing list of detailed changes. Of note, authors are responsible for understanding and adhering to the Transactions submission guidelines available on the IEEE Computer Society website Papers should be submitted via Manuscript Central ( by selecting the special issue option. As per TC policies, only full-length papers (at least 12 pages and according to TC submission requirements) can be submitted to this special issue, and each author’s bio should not exceed 150 words.

Please note the following important dates.
– Submission Deadline: August 15, 2020
– Reviews Completed: October 1, 2020
– Major Revisions Due: November 1, 2020
– Reviews of Revisions Completed: November 15, 2020
– Notification of Final Acceptance: November 22, 2020
– Publication Materials for Final Manuscripts Due: December 15, 2020
– Publication date: January 2021

Please address all other correspondence regarding this special issue to Guest Editors.

Guest Editors:
– Lizhong Chen (Guest Editor), School of EECS, Oregon State University
– Zhonghai Lu (Co-Guest Editor), KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Corresponding Topical Editor:
– Cristina Silvano, Politecnico di Milano,