Call for Participation:

IISWC 2020

Early Registration Deadline
October 29, 2020
Registration Deadline
October 12, 2020

IISWC 2020
October 27-29, 2020

Welcome to 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC 2020)!

IISWC 2020 will be held on October 27-29, 2020 in a virtual format.

The registration website is open, you can Register Now! Early registration rates end 12 October, 2020.

IISWC is dedicated to the understanding and characterization of workloads that run on all types of computing systems. This year, there will be two exciting keynotes by Prof. Vivek Sarkar (Georgia Tech) and Margaret Martonosi (NSF/Princeton); four research sessions on a) Large-scale Systems, b) Benchmarking, Evaluation, and Simulation Methodologies, c) Machine Learning and Systems, and d) System Architecture and Applications. In addition, there will be two tutorial and one workshop. The detailed conference program is here.