FPL 2022
March 7, 2022
March 14, 2022
The 32nd International Conference on
Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)
Aug 29 to Sep 2, 2022 @ Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
Important Dates (all 23:59, AoE)
(JT: FPL Journal Track, REGULAR: Regular FPL papers)
- Feb 7: Submission to TRETS for JT (** extended, now final **)
- Mar 7: Title and abstract due for REGULAR
- Mar 14: Initial notification of JT
- Mar 14: Manuscript submission due for REGULAR
- Apr 14: Revised manuscript due for JT
- May 9: Proposal due for Workshop/Tutorial/Special Session
- May 9: Initial notification for REGULAR
- May 16: Rebuttal responses due for REGULAR
- May 23: Notification for Workshop/Tutorial/Special Session
- Jun 15: Notification of acceptance both for JT and REGULAR
- Jun 27: Final copy due both for JT and REGULAR
- Aug 29 to 31: FPL’22 Conference
- Sep 1 to 2: Workshops and tutorials
The International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) was the first and remains the largest covering the rapidly growing area of field-programmable logic and reconfigurable computing. Field-programmable devices promise the flexibility of software with the performance of hardware and have become an important area of research and development in high-performance computing systems, embedded and low-power control instruments, mobile communications, rapid prototyping and product emulation, among other areas. For the last 31 years, FPL has seen the first unveiling of the latest and most significant works in reconfigurable architectures, applications, embedded processors and design automation. FPL2022 will bring together academic and industrial researchers and practitioners from across the globe. It will offer a hybrid format, with the entire conference accessible both in-person and online.
Submissions are solicited on new research results and detailed tutorial expositions related to field-programmable technologies, including but not limited to:
- Tools and Design Techniques: placement, routing, synthesis, verification, debugging, runtime support, technology mapping, partitioning, parallelization, timing optimization, design and run-time environments, high-level synthesis (HLS) compilers, languages and modeling techniques, provably-correct development, intellectual property core-based design, domain-specific development, hardware/software co-design.
- Architectures for field-programmable technology: field-programmable gate arrays, complex programmable logic devices, coarse-grained reconfigurable arrays, field-programmable interconnect, field-programmable analogue arrays, field-programmable arithmetic arrays, memory architectures, interface technologies, low-power techniques, adaptive devices, reconfigurable computing systems, high-performance reconfigurable systems, evolvable hardware and adaptive computing, fault tolerance and avoidance.
- Device technology: including programmable memories such as non-volatile, dynamic and static memory cells and arrays, interconnect devices, circuits and switches, and emerging VLSI device technologies.
- Applications: accelerators for biomedical/scientific/neuro-morphic computing and machine learning, network processors, real-time systems, rapid prototyping, hardware emulation, digital signal processing, interactive multimedia, machine vision, computer graphics, cryptography, robotics, manufacturing systems, embedded applications, evolvable and biologically-inspired hardware.
- Education: courses, teaching and training experience, experiment equipment, design and applications.
Application-based papers should emphasize novel design techniques, novel use of embedded resources, or clearly articulated and measured system performance benefits.
Submission Guidelines
FPL 2022, along with ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS) is delighted to announce the first Journal Track in the event’s history. This is specifically intended for submissions that would benefit from the longer articles possible in TRETS (up to 32 ACM-style single-column pages), e.g., for clearer presentation of complex research, or an in-depth discussion of comprehensive results. Submissions to the Journal Track that do not take advantage of the additional space offered by TRETS, or deviate significantly from the TRETS Author Guidelines (https://dl.acm.org/journal/trets/author-guidelines) will receive the corresponding feedback early, and can then be revised and entered into the direct FPL submission process.
Journal Track Submissions (NEW FOR FPL 2022)
When you decide to submit to the Journal Track, you will use the TRETS submission system (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/trets) to submit to the “FPL 2022 Journal Track” (which you can select after logging into your TRETS account), and then follow the ACM TRETS Author Guidelines as described above. Note that the deadline for the FPL Journal Track is earlier than the deadline for direct FPL submissions. Your submission will then undergo the regular TRETS review process, and you will be provided with an initial set of reviewer comments and recommendations as outlined in the schedule above. If your submission is not rejected here, you will have sufficient time to revise the submission, and then submit it for a second round of reviews for inclusion in the Journal Track. You will be notified of the final decision on your TRETS Journal Track submission together with the rest of the direct FPL submissions.
Should your Journal Track submission be rejected in the TRETS initial review, or you feel you cannot fully address the revisions requested by the TRETS reviewers in the time provided, you may withdraw your submission from the Journal Track. You then have the option to submit a version of your paper, shortened according to the rules for regular/short FPL papers, to enter the regular review process for a direct FPL submission.
If you decide not to submit a revised version in time for the FPL Journal Track deadline above, or your revised version does not get accepted for the FPL Journal Track, as decided by the final FPL PC discussions, you may choose to have a later revision continue as a regular TRETS submission independently of the conference.
Accepted Journal Track papers will receive a regular presentation slot at the conference, but will only appear as an abstract in the FPL proceedings. That abstract will refer to the full publication in TRETS.
Direct FPL Submissions (Regular FPL papers)
Alongside the Journal Track, FPL seeks full and short papers describing original research in field-programmable technology, including, but not
limited to, the areas of interest indicated above. Papers should be submitted electronically in PDF format, following the IEEE style. Full papers can include up to six pages of content plus up to two pages for references. Short papers are limited to four pages plus up to two pages of references. For both kinds of submissions, the total length can be extended by up to two pages, to be purchased at registration time.
Manuscripts must not identify authors or their affiliations for double-blind review. Papers that identify authors will NOT be considered.
Please use the online system for submission. For details, please visit the FPL’22 website. FPL’22 will also include a rebuttal phase, where the
authors have the opportunity to answer specific questions on their submission, posed by the reviewers, as well as revise their submission. It
is also planned to invite the best direct submissions to FPL to contribute to an FPL 2022 Special Issue of ACM TRETS after the conference.
For more details, please visit http://fpl-conference.org
Artifact Evaluation (NEW FOR FPL 2022)
Also for the first time, FPL will be able to offer the authors of accepted papers to optionally participate in an artifact evaluation process, aiming
to increase the reproducibility of results. Details on this will be forthcoming and be described on the FPL web site. Note that participating in this optional process will not require you to open-source your research artifacts!
Call for Workshop/Tutorial proposals
We also call for workshops and tutorials, which will be held in
conjunction with the conference. For details, please visit the
Workshop/Tutorials page.
FPL Steering Committee
Patrick Lysaght (Xilinx), Chairman
Jürgen Becker (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Koen Bertels (University of Porto)
Eduardo Boemo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
João M. P. Cardoso (Universidade do Porto)
Peter Y. K. Cheung (Imperial College London)
Martin Danek (Daiteq)
Apostolos Dollas (Technical University of Crete)
Fabrizio Ferrandi (Politecnico di Milano)
Manfred Glesner (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
Diana Goehringer (Technische Universität Dresden)
Reiner Hartenstein (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern)
Andreas Herkersdorf (Technische Universität München)
Paolo Ienne (EPFL)
Udo Kebschull (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
Wayne Luk (Imperial College London)
Xavier Martorell
(Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya & Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
Jari Nurmi (Tampere University of Technology)
Ioannis Sourdis (Chalmers University of Technology)
Dirk Stroobandt (University of Ghent)
Lionel Torres (Université Montpellier 2)
Jim Tørresen (Universitetet i Oslo)
FPL’22 General Chair:
John McAllister, Queen’s University of Belfast, UK
FPL’22 Program Chairs:
Andreas Koch, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Kentaro Sano, RIKEN, Japan