Call for Papers:

FPL 2017

Abstract or Paper Registration Deadline
March 19, 2017
Final Submission Deadline
March 26, 2017

27th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications
Ghent, Belgium
September 4-8, 2017

Abstract and Title Submission Deadline (mandatory): March 19, 2017
Full Paper Submission Deadline: March 26, 2017

The International Conference on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL) was the first and remains the largest conference covering the rapidly growing area of field-programmable logic and reconfigurable computing. During the past 26 years, many of the advances in reconfigurable system architectures, applications, embedded processors, design automation methods and tools were first published in the proceedings of the FPL conference series. The conference objective is to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry and from around the world.

Contributions within (but not limited to) the following five conference tracks are welcome:
– Architectures and Technology
– Applications and Benchmarks
– Design Methods and Tools
– Self-aware and Adaptive Systems
– Surveys, Trends and Education

Authors are invited to submit original and unpublished contributions as 6 page papers in IEEE double column format to be considered as regular papers. Submissions accepted as posters will have 4 pages and extended abstracts for PhD forum contributions appear with 2 pages in the proceedings. The conference proceedings will be published at IEEE Xplore. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue in ACM TRETS. All contributions must be submitted electronically in PDF format.

FPL’s PhD forum is intended as a venue for PhD students to present their work in progress and preliminary results in a special poster session to receive feedback from other researchers.

Use the SoftConf submission site ( to submit your paper. Please note that the submission of the full- and short-paper abstracts by the relevant deadline is mandatory and that deadlines are not going to be extended.

General Co-chairs
Dirk Stroobandt, Ghent University
Nele Mentens, KU Leuven

Program Co-chairs
Marco Santambrogio, Politecnico di Milano
Diana Göhringer, Ruhr University Bochum