June 5, 2015
Submitted by Andreas Burg
International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED’15)
Rome, Italy
July 22-24, 2015
ISLPED is the world’s premier event on low power design.
It is sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and the
ACM Special Interest Group on Design Automation.
The technical program comprises paper presentations in the areas of:
1.1 Technologies
1.2 Circuits
1.3 Logic & Architecture
2.1 CAD & Methodologies,
2.2 Systems & Platforms,
2.3 Software & Applications,
3.1 Industrial Perspectives
Besides the paper presentations, the program also features three high-profile
keynotes (A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli — UC Berkeley, USA;
J. Pineda De Givez — NXP, Netherlands; N. Shanbhag — UIUC, USA),
An Industry Reception Dinner (July 22nd),
A Banquet Gala Dinner (July 23rd),
A free Co-Located Workshop and Tutorial (July 24th) on Ultra-Low Power
Environmental Monitoring, Security, and Health (ULPESH)
Early registration is available until June 5, 2015.
For more information and registration, visit: