
IEEE Micro General Interest 2015

Final Submission Deadline
August 1, 2015

Submitted by jayvant anantpur

IEEE Micro General Interest 2015

IEEE Micro seeks general-interest submissions for publication in upcoming
2015 issues. The submissions should present the design, performance, or
application of microcomputer and microprocessor systems. Summaries of work
in progress and descriptions of recently completed work are most welcome,
as are tutorials and position statements.

IEEE Micro is a bimonthly magazine of the IEEE Computer Society that
reaches an international audience of computer designers, system
integrators, and users. IEEE Micro publishes 6 to 8-page papers that are
slightly less technical and less quantitative than top-conference and
archival journal papers, while being insightful, slightly more
qualitative, with a high tutorial value, and up to date with current
trends. IEEE Micro attracts a broad readership among both academics and
practitioners who want to keep up with new results and trends in the field
of computer architecture.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
– Processor, memory, and storage systems architecture
– Parallel and multicore systems
– Data-center scale computing
– Architectures for handheld and mobile devices
– Application-specific, reconfigurable, or embedded architectures
– Heterogeneous and accelerator-based architectures
– Neuromorphic computing architectures
– Architectures for security and virtualization
– Power and energy efficient architectures
– Interconnection networks
– Instruction, thread, and data-level parallelism
– Dependable architectures
– Architectural support for programming productivity
– Network processor and router architectures
– Architectures for emerging technologies and applications
– Effect of circuits and technology on architecture
– Architecture modeling and simulation methodology
– Performance evaluation and measurement of real systems
– Design of high-performance and low-power chips

Log onto IEEE CS Manuscript Central
(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/micro-cs) and submit your manuscript.
Please direct questions to the IEEE Micro magazine assistant
(micro-ma@computer.org) regarding the submission site. For the
manuscript submission, acceptable file formats include Microsoft Word and
PDF. Manuscripts should not exceed 5,000 words including references, with
each average-size figure counting as 150 words toward this limit. Please
include all figures and tables, as well as a cover page with author
contact information (name, postal address, phone, fax, and e-mail address)
and a 200-word abstract. Submitted manuscripts must not have been
previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere, and
all manuscripts must be cleared for publication. All previously published
papers must have at least 30% new content compared to any conference (or
other) publication. Accepted articles will be edited for structure, style,
clarity, and readability. For more information, please visit the IEEE
Micro Author Center
The submission site is continuously open. Papers of general interest
appear in upcoming issues as space allows, or are grouped in the Nov/Dec
2015 issue.

Contact the Editor-in-Chief, Lieven Eeckhout, at lieven.eeckhout@ugent.be.