Mini-Symposium on Energy and Resilience in Parallel Programming
June 23, 2015
Submitted by Christos D. Antonopoulos
Mini-Symposium on Energy and Resilience in Parallel Programming (ERPP 2015)
in Conjunction with ParCo 2015
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
September 3-4 2015
ERPP provides a forum to broadly explore the implications of energy and resilience
on the principles and practice of parallel programming. ERPP aims to present original
research that uses energy and resilience as first-class resources in parallel
programming languages, libraries and models and demonstrates how parallel
programming can improve energy-efficiency and resilience of large-scale
computing systems or many-core embedded systems. The minisymposium also
intends to explore how energy and resilience management in hardware or system
software may affect the performance of existing parallel programming environments.
The topics explored by ERPP include but are not limited to:
– Parallel programming abstractions for energy and resilience
– Compiler and runtime support for energy- and resilience-aware execution
– Parallel libraries and auto-tuning for energy and resilience
– Performance of parallel programming languages, libraries and tools in energy-
constrained environments
– Measurement and characterization of resilience in parallel programming
models, languages and libraries
– Measurement and characterization of energy in parallel programming models,
languages and libraries
– New computing paradigms for improving energy and resilience in parallel
programming, such as approximate computing or near-threshold computing
We call for high-quality, original contributions (in English language) related
to the minisymposium topics. Extended abstracts of at least 4 pages should be
submitted by June 23 2015 and will be published in a book of abstracts. Final,
camera-ready versions of accepted full length papers (up to 10 pages) must be
prepared in October 2015 (after the minisymposium).
June 23, 2015: Submission deadline for extended abstracts
July 17, 2015: Notification of decision
July 31, 2015: Camera-ready of extended abstracts due
October, 2015: Full paper submission
Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Queen’s University of Belfast
Christos D. Antonopoulos, University of Thessaly, Greece
Kevin Barker, PNNL
Costas Bekas, IBM Research – Zurich
Nikolaos Bellas, Universuty of Thessaly
Kirk Cameron, Virginia Tech
Rong Ge, Marquette University
Dimitris Gizopoulos, University of Athens
Nikos Hardavellas, Northwestern University
Georgios Karakonstantis, Queen’s University of Belfast
Spyros Lalis, University of Thessaly
Dong Li, University of California, Merced
David Lowenthal, University of Arizona
Naoya Maruyama, RIKEN AICS
Kathryn Mohror, LLNL
Enrique S. Quintana-Orti, Universidad Jaume I
Pedro Trancoso, University of Cyprus
Zheng Wang, Lancaster University