
IEEE Micro Special Issue on Alternative Computing Designs & Technologies

Final Submission Deadline
March 5, 2015

Submitted by jayvant anantpur

IEEE Micro Special Issue on Alternative Computing Designs & Technologies

Luis Ceze (University of Washington)
Olivier Temam (Google)

SUBMISSIONS DUE: March 5th 2015
PUBLICATION DATE: September-October 2014

As the benefits of Moore’s law progressively diminish and come at a greater
cost, there is a growing urge to consider alternative computing approaches in
order to keep increasing computational capabilities fast enough to continue
spurring innovation. Because it is unlikely that we will find a replacement to
Moore’s law that will provide again decades of sustained growth, we may have
to accept that computing hardware will become multi-faceted, both in terms of
design approaches and implementation technologies. Alternative approaches may
mean breaking away from CPUs with radically different designs using mature
CMOS technologies, and they may also entail radically different fundamental
technologies. In this special edition, we want to be inclusive and contemplate
both types of alternative approaches. We are looking for papers that discuss
ideas that will lead to significant quantitative gains in performance and
efficiency and/or are enabler of new forward-looking applications.

Also breaking away from traditional CFPs, we voluntarily decided not to outline
a set of topics which could only have the effect of narrowing down the scope of
alternative approaches we are willing to consider. If in doubt whether we will
welcome your submission, please do not hesitate to contact us, if possible
(but not necessarily) with an abstract. Please keep in mind that IEEE Micro is
about computing architecture at large, and that it is a very high-quality
publication, two criteria we will diligently enforce.

Please log onto IEEE CS Manuscript Central (https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/
micro-cs) to submit your manuscript to the “Alternative Computing Designs and
Technologies” issue. Please direct questions to the IEEE Micro magazine
assistant (micro-ma@computer.org). For the manuscript submission, acceptable
file formats include Microsoft Word and PDF. Manuscripts should not exceed
5,000 words including references, with each average-size figure counting as 150
words toward this limit. Please include all figures and tables, as well as a
cover page with all the relevant author contact information (name, postal
address, phone, fax, and e-mail address) and a 200-word abstract. Submitted
manuscripts must not have been previously published or currently submitted for
publication elsewhere, and all manuscripts must be cleared for publication. All
previously published papers must have at least 30% new content compared to
any conference (or other) publication. Accepted articles will be edited for
structure, style, clarity, and readability. For more information, please visit
the IEEE Micro Author Center(http://www2.computer.org/portal/web/

March 5: Initial submissions due
April 30: First notification
May 21: Revised papers due
June 25: Final notification

For any further information and questions please contact Guest Editors,
Luis Ceze (luisceze@cs.washington.edu) and Olivier Temam (temam@google.com).