Call for Participation:

PACT-21 (Hotel reservation deadline – August 30, 2012)

Early Registration Deadline
September 5, 2012

Submitted by Sangyeun Cho
International Conference on Parallel Architecture and Compilation
Technologies (PACT-21)
Minneapolis, MN, USA, September 19-23 , 2012

** Please Note important deadlines for early registration and hotel reservation

Conference early registration deadline – September 5, 2012

Conference hotel reservation deadline – August 30, 2012

Student travel grant deadline – August 24, 2012

** The conference program is now available at

1. The Changing Role of Supercomputing, Peter J. Ungaro (Cray)
2. Compiling to Avoid Communication, Kathy Yelick
(UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
3. Top500 Versus Sustained Performance – Or the Top Problems with
the Top500 List – And What to Do About Them, William Kramer
(National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

1. WSRAS 2012: First International Workshop on Secure and
Resilient Architectures and Systems
2. ADC-1: First Workshop on Architectures for Data Intensive Computing
3. DFM 2012: Data-Flow Execution Models for Extreme Scale Computing

1. MARSS: A Cycle-Accurate Full System Simulator for Multicore
2. GPU Computing Development with GPU Ocelot
3. Using OpenACC/HMPP Directives to Develop and Tune Many-core Programs
4. The Piloot Library: A Friendly Face for MPI
5. GPGPU-Sim 3.x: An (Updated) Performance Simulator for
Manycore Accelerator Research
6. Emerging Nonvolatile Memory Applications in Computer Architectures
7. Parallelizing and Optimizing Programs for GPU Acceleration
Using CUDA
8. Programming Models and Optimizations for GPUs and Multicores