April 8, 2017
April 25, 2017
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS)
Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, California
April 24-25, 2017
Student Travel Grant application deadline: April 3, 2017
Early Registration Deadline: April 8, 2017
The focus of ISPASS is on solutions, methods and tools for software and system performance as well as power analysis and optimization.
This year, ISPASS will be held in Sonoma, CA, the heart of California Wine Country. We are pleased to welcome Lizy John (UT-Austin) as our keynote speaker this year who will be presenting machine learning techniques for modeling and prediction.
ISPASS 2017 Program is now online:
General Chair:
Suzanne Rivoire, Sonoma State University
Program Chair:
Bronis R. de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Finance Chair:
Nadeem Malik, IBM
Web Chair:
Scott Walker, University of Arizona
Proceedings Chair:
Michael Papamichael, Microsoft Research
Workshops and Tutorials Chair:
Mike Ferdman, Stony Brook University
Posters Chair:
Carole-Jean Wu, Arizona State University
Registration Chair:
Mark Hempstead, Tufts University
Publicity Chairs:
Christina Delimitrou, Cornell University
Trevor E. Carlson, Uppsala University
Masaaki Kondo, University of Tokyo
Student Travel Chair:
Kelly Shaw, University of Richmond
Sponsors Chair:
Sally McKee, Chalmers University of Technology