ASPLOS 2018 Shadow PC
July 31, 2017
ASPLOS 2018 Shadow PC
Deadline to apply for shadow PC: July 31, 2017
Shadow PC meeting: November 11, 2017
ASPLOS is organizing a shadow program committee for ASPLOS 2018. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to the shadow PC organizers: Johann Hauswald (University of Michigan, jahausw AT and Yunqi Zhang (University of Michigan, yunqi AT before July 31, 2017. Please include a short paragraph describing your current research, areas of expertise, and publications: this will help us with selecting candidates and assigning papers for review. Feel free to reach out should you have any questions.
Being on a shadow PC is an excellent opportunity for systems researchers (PhD students, post-docs and new faculty members) to get experience in community service, i.e., program committee practices.
Shadow PC members are expected to write their own detailed and rigorous reviews for their assigned papers. We expect a review load of 15-20 papers per member. Members especially are also expected to attend a one-day shadow PC meeting in person which will coincide with the official PC meeting location (Chicago or Atlanta) and date. The reviews from the shadow PC will not impact the decisions of the main conference PC. Shadow PC co-chairs (Prof. Lingjia Tang and Prof. Thomas Wenisch) will lead the discussions at the shadow PC meeting, and other members of the main conference PC will also be invited to the meeting, making this an invaluable learning experience for the shadow PC members.
The ASPLOS shadow PC will follow the same timeline as the main PC ( We plan to have the shadow PC meeting a day after the conference PC meeting (November 11, 2017).
Being a member of a shadow PC is a lot of work but also a great learning experience for a number of reasons:
– Getting to know how a PC is run and how it operates.
– Seeing how more experienced reviewers judge the same papers that you review.
– Getting to see both strong and weak papers at the submission stage.
– Submitting high quality reviews makes one a possible candidate for future PCs.
– Discussing the papers with ASPLOS main PC members who will attend the shadow meeting.
Johann Hauswald, University of Michigan
Yunqi Zhang, University of Michigan
Shadow PC Co-Chairs:
Lingjia Tang, University of Michigan
Thomas Wenisch, University of Michigan