Why Memory Consistency Models Matter… And tools for analyzing and verifying them (ISCA Tutorial)
May 21, 2017
June 25, 2017
Why Memory Consistency Models Matter… And tools for analyzing and verifying them
in conjunction with ISCA 2017
Toronto, Canada
June 25, 2017
Margaret Martonosi, Caroline Trippel, and Yatin Manerkar will be giving a 3-hour tutorial at ISCA on memory consistency models and the Check tool suite they have been developing to specify and verify them. Starting from PipeCheck in 2014, Martonosi and her group have built up a set of techniques and tools that span from high-level languages, through OS, compilers, and ISA down to microarchitectural implementations. The tutorial is designed to be useful across a broad range of expertise levels — from designers who want to learn the basics about memory consistency, to experts who want to learn more about how to use the tools, or how to interconnect these tools with some of your own. Hands-on exercises and demos are planned.
The tutorial will be 1:30-5pm on Sunday June 25, with a 30 minute break in the middle.
The Check webpage is here: http://check.cs.princeton.edu
Questions: email mrm@princeton.edu