Committee to Aid REporting on discrimination and haraSsment policy violations.

Building Inclusive Research Environments at ISCA 2021
Thursday, 6/17: 10-11am EST
Thursday, 6/17: 8-9pm EST

with Joel Emer, Yasuko Eckert, Lieven.Eeckhout, Shan Lu, Kathryn S McKinley, Timothy Pinkston, and Vijayalakshmi Srinivasan.

Please take the CARES Inclusion Survey!

Please join SIGARCH/SIGMICRO CARES committee members at “Building Inclusive Research Environments” at ISCA 2021 as part of the tutorials program in the following two sessions (to be inclusive of people in time zones around the world) at ISCA 2021
Thursday, 6/17: 10-11am EST
Thursday, 6/17: 8-9pm EST

We will explore how you experience inclusion in your everyday environment and at research conferences, and ways individuals and institutions can work to make them more inclusive. Research shows Inclusion and diversity work together to produce effective teams. Please take this survey intended to gather your experiences of inclusion and exclusion, as well as ideas for build inclusion in our community. We are sending this survey to people attending ISCA 2021 and thus the focus will be on the Computer Architecture Community. (A similar survey is being sent to PLDI 2021 attendees.) This survey is intended to generate reflection and discussion.

Members of CARES are available by email anytime and will be particularly available for discussions throughout the conference.