August 7, 2019
ACM Student Research Competition (SRC)
in conjunction with 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO)
Columbus, Ohio, USA
October 12-16, 2019
Abstract Submission: August 7, 2019 (4:59pm PDT)
Acceptance Notification: August 28, 2019
MICRO invites participation in the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). Sponsored by ACM and Microsoft Research, the SRC is a forum for undergraduates and graduate students to share their research results, exchange ideas and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes. Students accepted to participate in the SRC are entitled to a travel grant (up to $500) to help cover travel expenses. The top 3 undergraduate and graduate winners will receive the following prizes:
1. Monetary prizes of $500, $300 and $200, respectively.
2. A framed Grand Finalist certificate.
3. The names of the winners will be posted on the website.
4. In addition, the first-place winner in each category (undergraduate, graduate) will receive an invitation to participate in the SRC Grand Finals, an online round of competitions among the first-place winners of individual conference-hosted SRCs. Three undergraduates and three graduates will be chosen among them as the SRC Grand Finals winners. They are invited, along with their advisors, to the annual ACM Awards Banquet, where they receive formal recognition.
The SRC consists of two rounds: a poster session and a presentation session. Submissions recommended for acceptance by the selection committee will be invited to a first-round poster session to be held during MICRO-52. A panel of judges will select a number of finalists from the poster session held at the symposium, who will be invited to a second-round SRC presentation session at MICRO-52 and compete for the prizes. The evaluation will be concentrated on the quality of both visual and oral presentation, the research methods and the significance of contribution. You can find more info on the ACM Student Research Competition website: https://src.acm.org/
Details on eligibility requirements can be found on the MICRO website: https://www.microarch.org/micro52/submit/src.html
Extended abstracts of up to 800 words should be submitted through the following EasyChair link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=acmsrcatmicro52
ACM and Microsoft Research
Questions? Contact Joshua San Miguel (jsanmiguel@wisc.edu)