Call for Posters:

ANCS 2017

Final Submission Deadline
March 20, 2017

The 13th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems (ANCS 2017)
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
May 18-19, 2017

Poster abstract submission deadline: March 20, 2017
Author notification for posters: April 3, 2017
Camera-ready for poster abstract: April 10, 2017

The poster session will provide a forum for researchers to showcase their exciting early work. Areas of interest are the same as those listed for regular papers. Posters need not describe complete work, but they should have at least preliminary results to report so that feedback on the ongoing work can be obtained from knowledgeable conference attendees. We especially encourage student poster submissions where the student is the first author. Posters will be evaluated based on their technical merit and innovation as well as their potential to stimulate interesting discussions and exchange of ideas. Submissions from both industry and universities are encouraged. Two-page extended abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings.

We recommend that a poster extended abstract has the format of a self-contained short paper including introduction, background, method, and result sections. Submissions must follow the 9pt template at, and be submitted in PDF format. The style is identical to that used for main conference submissions ( except that poster submissions are limited to no more than 2 pages.

Please email poster abstract submissions as PDF attachments to with the subject line reading “ANCS 2017 POSTER SUBMISSION: (poster title)”.
Please include the following information in the body of your email:
2. AUTHORS; e.g., First1 Last1 (Afflication1), First2 Last2 (Afflication2)
3. EMAIL; e.g, email1@affliation1, email2@affliation2

Poster Chair: Weirong Jiang,