Call for Nomination: BenchCouncil Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award
October 15, 2022
October 15, 2022
2022 BenchCouncil Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award consists of two tracks on computer architecture and other areas. The computer architecture track has individual nomination submission form and award subcommittee. For each track, all the candidates are encouraged to submit articles to BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards, and Evaluation (see the article submission guideline below). Among the submissions of each track, four candidates will be selected as finalists. They will be invited to give a 30-minute presentation at the BenchCouncil Bench Conferences and contribute research articles to BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluation. Finally, for each track, one among the four will receive the award, which carries a $1,000 honorarium.
BenchCouncil Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award in Computer Architecture
- This award recognizes and encourages superior research and writing by doctoral candidates on benchmarks, workload characterization, and evaluations of the computer architecture community.
- Online Nomination Form: (Deadline: October 15, 2022 End of Day, AoE). Award Subcommittee
- Dr. Peter Mattson, Google
- Dr. Vijay Janapa Reddi, Harvard University
- Dr. Wanling Gao, ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences
BenchCouncil Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award in Other Areas
- This award recognizes and encourages superior research and writing by doctoral candidates in the broad field of benchmarks, data, standards, evaluations, and optimizations community.
- Online Nomination Form: (Deadline: October 15, 2022 End of Day, AoE). Award Committee
- Prof. Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee
- Dr. Xiaoyi Lu, The University of California, Merced
- Dr. Jeyan Thiyagalingam, STFC-RAL
- Dr. Lei Wang, ICT, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Dr. Spyros Blanas, The Ohio State University
Note that the two tracks share the same rules on the submission including eligibility, submission guidelines, submission deadline, and review criteria.
Call for Nomination
The committee welcomes the proposals from the following but not limited to the following communities: architecture, systems, database, high-performance computing, machine learning or AI, scientific computing, medicine or other disciplines.
- Eligibility
- Only those who were awarded Ph.D. in the past two years are eligible for this award.
- Only the accepted final version of a nominated Ph.D. dissertation will be considered, and it must have been filed with the writer’s institution during the nomination cycle.
- The writer or the writer’s Ph.D. advisor can nominate a dissertation, and a dissertation may be nominated only once.
- The benchmarks, data, or tools that are the essential contributions of the dissertation should be open-sourced.
- The committee/subcommittee members can not nominate their students.
- Submissions
- Submission Deadline: October 15, 2022 End of Day, Anywhere on Earth (AoE)
- Online Nomination Form (Computer Architecture:, Other Areas:
- Name, address, phone number, and email address of the candidate’s thesis advisor.
- Name, address, and email address of the candidate. Affiliation should be the name of the school.
- Suggested citation. The citation should be a concise statement (maximum of 25 words) describing the critical technical or professional accomplishment for which the candidate merits this award. Note that the final wording for awardees will be at the discretion of the Award Committee.
- Nomination statement (200-300 words in length) addressing why the candidate should receive this award. This should address the significance of the dissertation, not simply repeat the information in the abstract.
- A copy of the dissertation. Each submitted dissertation for consideration must include an English abstract of maximally 3000 words.
- Endorsement letters. At least two supporting letters should be included from experts in the field who can provide additional insights or evidence of the dissertation’s impact. (The nominator/advisor may not write a letter of support.) Each letter should include the name, address, and telephone number of the endorser. The nominator should collect the letters and bundle them for submission. The endorsement letter and supporting letters can be combined in one file in your pdf upload.
- Article Submission Guideline
- According to the submission guide, we request that you submit an article to the BenchCouncil Transaction on Benchmarks, Standards, and Evaluations (TBench). Considering you may have already published some material in your dissertation, a survey article is also eligible.
- The detailed submission guidelines are as follows:
- A submission should use the TBench template, available at
- The author list can (a) include your name solely, or (b) list you and your Ph.D. supervisor but with you as the first author. In your submission, you should remove the authors’ names, as the follow-up review will be double-blind.
- The article should include the following contents. (a) The fundamental issue your dissertation tackles. Why is it essential and challenging? (10%). (b) The summary of state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice (30%). (c) How do you advance state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice? What are your innovative approaches, systems, tools, and insights? (40%) (d) Open issues and future work (20%).
- Please directly submit your article to the TBench editorial system. The web link is
- Review Criteria
- Dissertations will be reviewed for technical depth and significance of the research contribution, the potential impact on theory and practice.
- In the first round, the four candidates will be singled out. Each one will give a 30-minute presentation in the distinguished Ph. D. dissertation session chaired by the committee.
- Finally, one candidate will be awarded the BenchCouncil Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award carrying a $1,000 honorarium.
- The award is presented each year at the Awards Banquet during BenchCouncil Bench Conference.