Call for Posters:

Call for Posters: IISWC 2023

Final Submission Deadline
August 2, 2023

Call for posters

IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC) is dedicated to the understanding and characterization of workloads that run on all types of computing systems. This symposium will focus on characterizing and understanding emerging applications in consumer, commercial and scientific computing. IISWC 2023 will be held on October 1-3, 2023 in Ghent, Belgium.

Authors are invited to submit extended poster abstracts encompassing ongoing or late breaking research, tools or benchmarks in any of the following fields.

Characterization of applications in domains including:

  • Life sciences, bioinformatics, scientific computing, finance, forecasting
  • Machine learning, data analytics, data mining
  • Cyber-physical systems, pervasive computation and Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Security and privacy-preserving computing
  • High performance computing
  • Cloud and edge computing
  • Mobile computing
  • User behavior and system-user interaction
  • Search engines, e-commerce, web services, and databases
  • Embedded, multimedia, real-time, 3D-graphics, gaming
  • Blockchain services
  • Augmented reality and virtual reality

Characterization of workloads for emerging workloads and architectures, such as

  • Quantum computations and communication
  • Serverless computing
  • Near-threshold computing
  • Non-volatile memory
  • Near data processing architectures
  • Neuromorphic and brain-inspired computing
  • Transactional memory systems
  • Biology (e.g., DNA sequencing) and chemistry workloads

Characterization of OS, Virtual Machine, middleware and library behavior, including

  • Virtual machines, .NET, Java VM, databases
  • Graphics libraries, scientific libraries
  • Operating system and hypervisor effects and overheads

Implications of workloads in system design, such as

  • Power management, reliability, security, privacy, performance
  • Processors, memory hierarchy, I/O, and networks
  • Design of accelerators, FPGAs, GPUs, CGRAs, etc.
  • Large-scale computing infrastructures and facilities

Benchmark methodologies and suites, including

  • Representative benchmarks for emerging workloads
  • Benchmark cloning methods
  • Profiling, trace collection, synthetic traces
  • Validation of benchmarks

Measurement tools and techniques, including

  • Instrumentation methodologies for workload verification and characterization
  • Techniques for accurate analysis/measurement of production systems
  • Analytical and abstract modeling of program behavior and systems

Important dates

  • Poster abstract submission deadline: Aug 2, 2023
  • Poster notification: Aug 9, 2023
  • Conference dates: October 1-3, 2023

Submission guidelines

Poster abstract submission website:
Submission template:

The content of the poster must be original work that has neither been published before in another conference or journal, nor is currently under review. However, you can submit work that has been presented earlier in a workshop without copyrighted proceedings. The poster abstract – including references – must be submitted in two single-spaced double-column pages using a 10-point size font on 8.5×11 inch using the submission template. References must list all the authors of the paper. Reviewing will be double blind. Therefore, please do not include any author names on any submitted documents except in the space provided on the submission form. If you refer to your own prior work, please do it in third person, as if you were referencing someone else’s work. Submissions that exceed the page limit or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review. The extended abstract must be submitted in PDF format, and must be understandable with a black-and-white printout.