Call for Workshops and Tutorials: CGO 2020
September 6, 2019
Call for Workshops and Tutorials
CGO 2020
San Diego, USA
CGO 2020 will host co-located workshops and tutorials on Saturday and Sunday (2/22/2020 – 2/23/2020) before the main conference. This is your event’s chance to take advantage of the interdisciplinary audience of CGO, HPCA, and PPoPP. Please submit a proposal!
Submissions due: 9/6/2019.
Notification date: 9/20/2019.
How to Submit a Proposal
Email the proposal as a PDF file (approximately 1-2 pages) to Yunqi Zhang ( and Johann Hauswald ( with the email subject containing “[CGO’2020wt]”.
Contents for All Proposals
Title: (name of workshop or tutorial)
Type: (workshop or tutorial)
Duration: (1/2 day or full day or two days)
Expected number of participants:
Advertisement: how do you plan to solicit participation to your workshop/tutorial (e.g., via social media, workshop/tutorial website, mailing lists etc.)
Information on past workshop/tutorials: (number of attendees/submissions) on the same topic held with this or other conferences (if any).
Additional Contents of a Workshop Proposal
Sample call for papers, including workshop title, scope, format and the main topics of the workshop
Invited or keynote speakers (if any)
Panel discussion (if any)
Organizers’ bios and affiliation
A tentative list of PC members
Whether the selected papers will be published (and, if so, where and how)
Additional Contents of a Tutorial Proposal
An outline of tutorial content and objectives
Prerequisite knowledge
Special requirements (if any)
A biography of the tutorial organizers and relevant experiences on the topic