DSN 2023
December 1, 2022
December 7, 2022
DSN 2023
The 53rd IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
Porto, Portugal
June 27 – 30, 2023
Important dates:
All dates refer to AoE time (Anywhere on Earth)
Dec. 1, 2022: Abstract submission deadline
Dec. 7, 2022: Paper submission deadline
Jan. 28, 2023: Early reject notification
Feb. 15 – 28, 2023: Author rebuttal period & revision period
Mar. 17, 2023: Notification to authors
The society today is increasingly dependent on the correct functioning of computer systems, edge devices and networks for systems and services we use every day, such as aviation, energy production & power grids, intelligent/autonomous vehicles, medical devices & electronic health records, and many others.
The Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN) is devoted to the mission of ensuring that the computing systems and networks on which society relies are dependable and secure.
DSN, one of the longest running IEEE conferences organizing its 53rd edition in 2023, has pioneered the fusion between dependability and security research under a common body of knowledge, understanding the need to simultaneously fight against accidental faults, intentional cyber-attacks, design errors, and unexpected operating conditions. Its distinctive approach to both accidental faults and malicious attacks made DSN the most prestigious international forum for presenting research furthering robustness and resilience of today’s wide spectrum of computing systems and networks.
All aspects of the research and practice of dependability and applied security are within the scope of DSN. Relevant topics include innovative architectures, protocols, and algorithms, for preventing, detecting, recovering, diagnosing or eliminating accidental and malicious threats as well as experimentation with and assessment of dependable and secure systems and networks.
Authors are invited to submit original papers on the current thematic areas of DSN:
- Hardware (e.g., microprocessors, memory systems, systems on chip, I/O devices, storage systems,Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs), edge and mobile devices, data center infrastructure, hardware accelerators)
- Software (e.g., applications, middleware, distributed algorithms, operating systems, software security, dependable software design)
- Networked systems and clouds (e.g., wireless networks, mobility, software-defined networking, edge computing, cloud computing/storage, networks on chip, network security)
- Autonomous systems (e.g., self-driving vehicles, autonomous robots, assured autonomy, explainable decision making, acceptability, privacy issues)
- Cyber-physical systems (e.g., embedded systems, real-time control of critical systems, internet of things, smart grid, automotive, aerospace, railway, medical systems)
- Distributed ledgers/Blockchain (e.g., BFT/consensus algorithms, cryptocurrencies, decentralized storage, zero knowledge proofs)
- AI/Machine Learning for resilient systems (e.g., robust, resilient, secure, and explainable AI/Machine Learning techniques; applications of AI/ML techniques for dependability and security, robustness issues in ML/AI systems)
- Models and methodologies for programming, evaluating, verifying, and assessing robust (dependable and secure) systems (e.g., performance and dependability evaluation, analytical and numerical methods, simulation, experimentation, benchmarking, verification, field data analysis)
- Emerging technologies and computing paradigms (e.g., robustness, security, dependability issues of emerging memory and storage systems, emerging computing paradigms like quantum computing, processing in memory/sensors/storage/network, 3-dimensional architectures, new hardware/software cooperative paradigms, emerging programming and system paradigms)
Information to authors
Innovative papers in all areas of robust (dependable and secure) systems and networks will be considered. Papers will be assessed with criteria appropriate to each category. The conference broadly and inclusively favors innovative and insightful research that explores new territory, continues a significant research dialogue, or reflects on experience with (or measurements of) state-of-the-art systems. Submissions will be judged on insight, originality, significance, correctness and potential impact.
Research Papers, Practical Experience Reports, and Tool Descriptions will be refereed and included in the Proceedings of the DSN 2023, if accepted.
All contributions must be written in English. IEEE Computer Society will publish accepted contributions.
At least one author of every accepted paper is expected to register (as a regular registration) for the conference and present the work.
Paper Categories
Submissions can be made in one of the following categories (authors are required to indicate the category as part of the paper’s title).
Regular papers (11 pages): full paper describing research contribution, including experimental work focused on implementation and evaluation of existing techniques in the DSN thematic areas. Papers should clearly describe a novel scientific contribution and a significant advancement of the state of knowledge in DSN relevant topics. The paper should address a significant problem with a compelling solution whose validity and practical applicability are clearly discussed.
Practical experience reports (7 pages): a shorter paper describing practitioner experiences or lessons learned applying tools and techniques to real-world problems and systems, or based on the empirical analysis of field data using a rigorous scientific approach. A paper in this category is expected to show new insights and experiences informing the research and practice of robust computing system design. Contributions reporting on industry practical experiences and lessons learned are highly encouraged, including studies reporting negative results or challenges about the practical applicability or scalability of research results in industry
Tool descriptions/demonstrations (7 pages): descriptions of the architecture, implementation and usage of substantive tools to aid the research and practice of dependability. A tool paper is expected to describe and demonstrate the value that the tool brings to the dependability community. Making the tool publicly available, whenever possible, is strongly encouraged.
The number of pages indicated above includes everything except the references: title page, text, figures, appendices, etc. Papers that exceed the number of pages for that submission category will be rejected without review.
Independently of the paper category, we expect all papers to provide enough detail to enable reproducibility of their experimental results and encourage authors, whenever possible, to make both the artifacts and datasets related to the paper publicly available.
DSN awards a Distinguished Paper Award to one of the accepted scientific papers and Best Paper Awards to multiple (e.g., 3) of the accepted papers. Both the Distinguished Paper Award and Best Paper Award winning papers should be presented in a special Best Paper Session at the conference.
The selection of the candidate papers for the awards is carried out as a three-step process. First, the Program Committee picks 6-7 of the accepted papers based on the review and revision process & committee discussion. Second, the Steering Committee (in consultation with the Program Chairs) chooses among these papers the 3 Best Papers that are to be presented in the Best Paper Session at the conference (all these papers receive the Best Paper Award). Third, and finally, the audience at the conference votes among these Best Papers to select the one that should receive the Distinguished Paper Award. Attendees are strongly encouraged to read the Best Papers as well as carefully listen to their presentations, and make their Distinguished Paper Award choice based on all information they have about the finalized Best Papers and their presentations at the conference.
DSN also attributes a group of awards based on nominations. These awards are the William C. Carter Ph.D. Dissertation Award in Dependability, the Rising Star in Dependability Award, the Test-of-Time Award, and the Jean-Claude Laprie Award. Please check the relevant page on the DSN website for additional details.
For more information, please visit the DSN web site
(http://dsn.org) or contact pc_chairs@dsn.org
Program Committee Co-Chairs
Xavier Défago, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Onur Mutlu, ETH Zurich, Switzerland