EuroSys 2021
October 1, 2020
October 9, 2020
European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys)
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
April 26-29, 2021
Submissions Due: October 9, 2020
The European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys) is a premier international forum for presenting computer systems research. EuroSys 2021 seeks papers on all areas of computer systems research, including:
– Operating systems
– Distributed systems
– Cloud computing and datacenter systems
– File and storage systems
– Networked systems
– Language support and runtime systems
– Systems security and privacy
– Dependable systems
– Analysis, testing and verification of systems
– Database systems and data analytics frameworks
– Virtualization and virtualized systems
– Systems for machine learning/machine learning for systems
– Mobile and pervasive systems
– Parallelism, concurrency, and multicore systems
– Real-time, embedded, and cyber-physical systems
We encourage papers that span multiple topics and communities. Papers will be judged on novelty, significance, correctness, and clarity. The program committee seeks papers that address a significant problem with an interesting and compelling solution whose validity and practicality are clearly demonstrated. A good paper will draw appropriate conclusions, honestly present related prior work, acknowledge its own limitations, and clearly articulate the advances it offers over prior work.
There are three new features in this year’s Eurosys reviewing process:
1) Author response
2) Revision stage
3) Artifact Evaluation
Please visit the conference web site for a detailed description of each of these features.
In addition to paper presentations, EuroSys 2021 will have a poster session. Submissions for posters will open closer to the conference deadline. Accepted papers will automatically qualify for the poster session, and authors will be strongly encouraged to participate.
EuroSys grants awards for the best and best student papers. In addition, EuroSys will also present the best artifact award this year.
Submission guidelines:
Please see the conference web site for detailed submission guidelines.
Important dates
Abstract submission: 1 October 2020
Paper submission: 9 October 2020
Author response: 6-8 January 2021
Notification of conditional accept / revise / reject: 20 January 2021
Revision submission (selected papers): 17 February 2021
Notification of conditional accept/reject for revisions: 3 March 2021
Shepherding decisions: 23 March 2021
Camera-ready submission: 26 March 2021
For any further information, please contact the PC chairs:
Lorenzo Alvisi (Cornell University)
Cristian Cadar (Imperial College London)