Call for Papers:

HotSpots Strike Back Workshop at ISCA

Abstract or Paper Registration Deadline
May 1, 2022
Final Submission Deadline
May 1, 2022

HSSB: HotSpots Strike Back: Call For Papers
June 19th, 2022 New York City
At ISCA 2022: 

On-chip thermal hotspots are becoming one of the primary design concerns for next-generation processors. Industry chip design trends coupled with post-Dennard power density have led to a stark increase in localized and application-dependent hotspots. These “advanced” hotspots cause a variety of adverse effects if untreated, ranging from dramatic performance loss, incorrect circuit operation, and reduced device lifespan. In the past, hotspots could be addressed with physical cooling systems and EDA tools; however, the severity of advanced hotspots is prohibitively high for conventional thermal regulation techniques alone. Cross stack approaches that incorporate device, circuit, packaging, cooling, architecture, and software are needed.

HSSB: HotSpots Strike Back: seeks papers that study next-generation advanced on-chip thermal hotspots. Position papers and work-in-progress papers are encouraged. The organizers are interested in presenting a diversity of fields and approaches to thermal on-chip hotspots. 

List of Potential Topics

  • Packaging and system cooling approaches to hotspot mitigation
  • Data and retrospective studies characterizing hotspot behavior in simulation or silicon
  • Device, circuit, architecture studies that illustrate the challenges of hotspots and their impact on chip’s performance, cost, and reliability 
  • Tools (at the transistor, chip, package, and system abstractions) that characterize or model hotspot behavior
  • Hotspot aware predictions or mitigations at the circuit, architecture, or software level
  • Design automation (EDA) approaches to hotspot prediction and mitigation

Submission and Presentation Format

An abstract of at most 2 pages should be submitted that describes the problem, the study or the design to be presented at the workshop. The presentation format will include a 15-30 minute presentation. In addition, all speakers will be invited to join a panel discussion at the end of their session where questions from the audience and debate among panelists will be encouraged. 

Submit your abstract hereL 

Important Dates

Submission Due Date: May 1, 2022
Author Notification: May 8, 2022
Final Abstract Due Date: May 29, 2022
Workshop: Sunday, June 19th (morning session)

Workshop Organizers

  • Mark Hempstead (Tufts University)
  • Alexander Hankin (Harvard University / Tufts University)
  • Julien Sebot (Intel)
  • Kaushik Vaidyanathan (Google)
  • David Werner (Tufts University)