IEEE Micro Special Issue on Near Data Processing
July 3, 2015
Submitted by jayvant anantpur
IEEE Micro Special Issue on Near Data Processing
Rajeev Balasubramonian, University of Utah
Boris Grot, University of Edinburgh
Initial submissions due: July 3, 2015
Publication date: Jan/Feb 2016
Systems executing big-data workloads commonly move large volumes of data
through the memory and storage hierarchy, only to perform a modest amount of
computation on each data element. As a result, performance and energy-
efficiency of these systems is increasingly limited by the high cost of data
movement. To alleviate this bottleneck and leverage the high bandwidths within
memory and storage devices, there is a growing interest in abstractions and
technologies to move computation closer to the data. This notion of Near-Data
Processing (NDP) extends earlier research on Processing-in-Memory by
leveraging new technologies (e.g., 3D stacking) and emerging workloads (e.g.,
in-memory databases).
This IEEE Micro special issue seeks papers on a range of topics related to NDP,
– Memory, storage and interconnect architectures for NDP
– Near-Data accelerators and computation offload models
– Trade-offs and limitations in moving computation to the data
– Programming models, runtimes, and tools in support of NDP
– Case studies and evaluation of NDP systems and workloads
– Cross-cutting issues in the context of NDP systems, including security,
reliability, and code portability
Log onto IEEE CS Manuscript Central (
cs) and submit your manuscript. Please direct questions to the IEEE Micro
magazine assistant ( regarding the submission site. For
the manuscript submission, acceptable file formats include Microsoft Word and
PDF. Manuscripts should not exceed 5,000 words including references, with each
average-size figure counting as 250 words toward this limit. Please include
all figures and tables, as well as a cover page with author contact
information (name, postal address, phone, fax, and email address) and a
200-word abstract. Submitted manuscripts must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere, and all
manuscripts must be cleared for publication. All previously published papers
must have at least 30% new content compared to any conference (or other)
publication. Accepted articles will be edited for structure, style, clarity,
and readability. For more information, please visit the IEEE Micro Author
Center (
Initial submissions due: July 3, 2015
Initial notifications: August 31, 2015
Revised papers due: September 25, 2015
Final notifications: November 5, 2015
Final versions due: November 15, 2015
Publication date: Jan/Feb 2016
Questions: Please contact Guest co-editors Rajeev Balasubramonian
( and Boris Grot (, or Editor-in-Chief
Lieven Eeckhout (