January 31, 2020
January 31, 2020
International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software
April 5-7, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Poster Submissions Due: January 31, 2020
Call for Posters and Announcement of Student Travel Grant
The IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS) provides a forum for sharing advanced academic and industrial research work focused on performance analysis in the design of computer systems and software. ISPASS 2020 will be held April 5 through 7, 2020 in Boston, MA. Authors are invited to submit ongoing or late breaking research, tools or benchmarks extended poster abstracts in any of the following fields:
* Performance and power evaluation methodologies
* Analytical modeling
* Statistical approaches
* Tracing and profiling tools
* Simulation techniques
* Hardware (e.g., FPGA) accelerated simulation
* Hardware performance counter architectures
* Power, temperature, variability and/or reliability models for computer systems
* Microbenchmark-based hardware analysis techniques
* Foundations of performance and power analysis
* Metrics
* Bottleneck identification and analysis
* Visualization
* Power and performance analysis of commercial and experimental hardware
* Multithreaded, multicore and many-core architectures
* Accelerators and graphics processing units
* Memory systems, including storage-class memory
* Embedded and mobile systems
* Enterprise systems and data centers
* Supercomputers
* Computer networks
* Power and performance analysis of emerging workloads and software
* Software written in managed languages
* Virtualization and consolidation workloads
* Internet-sector workloads
* Embedded, multimedia, games, telepresence
* Deep learning and convolutional neural networks
* Application and system code tuning and optimization
* Confirmations or refutations of important prior results
In addition to ongoing or late breaking research, the conference is an ideal forum to publicize new tools and benchmarks to the community. These extended poster abstracts, which can detail tools and benchmarks in any of the above fields of interest, will be judged primarily on their potential impact and use rather than on their research contribution. See> for submission details.
* Extended poster abstract submission: January 31, 2020
* Notification: February 7, 2020
* Conference: April 5-7, 2020
Submission instructions
ISPASS 2020 extended poster abstract submission website:
Please make sure that your submission satisfies all the requirements listed below.
* The extended poster abstract must be original material that has not been previously published in another conference or journal, nor is currently under review by another conference or journal. Note that you may submit material presented previously at a workshop without copyrighted proceedings.
* The content of the submission is limited to two (2) 8.5″x11″ single-spaced double-column pages using 10 pt or larger font, excluding references. Submissions that exceed the length limit or deviate from the formatting requirements may be rejected without review.
* References must list all authors for any reference with fewer than 10 co-authors. Complete author lists facilitate the review process.
* Submissions must be anonymous. Please do not omit references to provide anonymity, as this leaves the reviewer unable to grasp the context. Instead, if you reference your own work, do it in third person, as if you were referencing someone else’s research.
* Your submission must be formatted in such a way that it is clear to understand (including plots and diagrams) with a black-and-white print-out.
* The extended poster abstract must be submitted in PDF format. We cannot accept any other format, and we must be able to print the document just as we receive it.
* We strongly suggest that you use only the four widely-used printer fonts: Times, Helvetica, Courier, and Symbol.
* You may use IEEE Conference templates
as long you use the conference version of the template and follow the formatting requirements above.
ISPASS 2020 is now offering travel support to encourage student participation at the conference. Applications and the grant amount will be decided on a case-by-case basis (i.e., funding is NOT guaranteed). All undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning and sharing the research in system software performance analysis are welcome to apply. Students do not need to be authors/presenters on an accepted paper at ISPASS to qualify for the student travel grant award.
You are highly encouraged to apply if you fall into any of the following categories; applications in these categories will be prioritized:
– Junior and senior undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing research in the area of performance analysis of computer systems and software. If you have previous research experience (e.g., via REU programs, independent studies, or supervised projects) in the relevant area, please mention in the application package (see detailed application instructions below). Make sure to include how attending ISPASS will enrich your technical knowledge and benefit you professionally.
– Students from small institutions and universities that do not have a strong tradition in the ISPASS research domain.
– US citizens/permanent residents.
– Attendees who belong to underrepresented groups (including women).
– Students presenting their research at ISPASS.
– Students who do not have access to financial support from other sources.
The deadline for submitting travel funding applications is Feb 20th (11:59:59pm AOE). Please send them by email to the Student Travel Grant Chair: Devesh Tiwari ( Use the subject line “ISPASS 2019 Student Travel Grant Application” and submit the full application as a single PDF file.
The travel grant application must include (in the following order):
– The name of the student, the student’s institution; US citizenship or residency information; membership in an underrepresented group if applicable.
– An estimate of conference-related expenses.
– Information about other sources of funding, if available.
– A cover letter stating the reason for attending ISPASS and a description of research interests.
– A resume (including IEEE and/or ACM student membership numbers if available).
– A one-page statement from the student’s advisor confirming the student’s eligibility and recommending the student to attend ISPASS. This statement is a must requirement for graduate student applicants. Undergraduate students are highly encouraged to include a support letter from their undergraduate research/curriculum adviser. Please make your adviser aware that a support letter including other helpful information, besides confirming the student’s eligibility and recommendation for participation, is welcome. Such information may include the availability of partial financial support from other funding sources, historical underrepresentation of the Institute at ISPASS, if the student belongs to an underrepresented group, and other potential broader impact of the student’s participation at ISPASS.
Students with disabilities or those attending with a child under one year of age may request additional funds to support a travel companion in their application.
Important notes: Student travel support applications with an incorrect subject line, past the deadline, missing details, missing adviser’s support statement are automatically considered ineligible for the award. Please note that the one-page support letter from the student’s advisor needs to included in the application form by the application deadline – no further extensions will be provided.
By applying to this award, you implicitly accept the following responsibilities and expectations, in the case you are awarded the student travel grant.
– Awardees must save original receipts and mail them in or present them at the conference to verify their expenditures.
– Each awardee is required to prepare and email a small essay (approx. two pages) to the Student Travel Grant Chair: Devesh Tiwari ( by April 15th describing his/her experience at ISPASS and learnings. The essay can include both text and graphic illustrations. These essays, with light editorial input as needed, will be published as a highlight blog-post on the conference website.
– Expenses will be reimbursed after the conference.
– Awardees from U.S. schools must fly with U.S-based carriers for airfare reimbursement.
– If selected, you will be notified via email by March 5, 2020.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Student Travel Grant Chair: Devesh Tiwari (