Call for Workshops/Tutorials:

ISPASS 2020 Call for Workshop and Tutorial Proposals

Final Submission Deadline
November 8, 2019

International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS)
April 5-7, 2020
Boston, MA, USA

Proposals Due: November 1, 2019


ISPASS 2020 will be hosting both workshops and tutorials at the conference venue. The purpose of these gatherings is to provide a forum for exchanging ideas and preliminary results of topics that are related to ISPASS in an interactive environment. We invite proposals from both academia and industry with the intent to draw upon the collective experience, interests, and opinions of our conference attendees.

Submission information:

All proposals must provide the following information:

• Workshop or tutorial name and a 150- to 200-word abstract describing the event, suitable for the conference web site.
• In case of a tutorial proposal, detailed outline of the tutorial, rationale for co-locating with ISPASS, presenter(s), duration (full/half day), any requirements to run the tutorial.
• In case of a workshop proposal, rationale for the workshop and for co-locating with ISPASS, draft Call For Papers (CFP), workshop deadlines, main organizers and tentative composition of the committees, duration (full/half day), format (expected number of presentations, invited talks, keynote, panel, etc.), expected number of submissions and participants.
• If applicable, provide a description of past versions of the activity, including dates, organizers, submission and acceptance counts (for workshops), attendance, and information with which conference the workshop/tutorial was co-located.

Proposals should be emailed to

Important dates:
Proposals due: November 1, 2019
Acceptance notification: November 8, 2019
Date of Tutorial/Workshop: April 5, 2020

For any questions, please contact the ISPASS 2020 workshop/tutorial chair Lieven Eeckhout at Ghent University by sending an email to