Call for Papers:

PACT 2024

Abstract or Paper Registration Deadline
March 22, 2024
Final Submission Deadline
March 27, 2024

The International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT) is a unique technical conference sitting at the intersection of hardware and software, with a special emphasis on parallelism. The PACT conference series brings together researchers from computer architectures, compilers, execution environments, programming languages, and applications, to present and discuss their latest research results.

PACT 2024 will be held as an in-person event in Long Beach, California, USA. At least one of the authors of accepted papers will be required to attend the conference, and we encourage all the authors to participate.

Specific topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Parallel architectures, including accelerator architectures for AI or other domains
  • Compilers and tools for parallel architectures (as above)
  • Applications and experimental systems studies of parallel processing
  • Computational models for concurrent execution
  • Multicore, multithreaded, superscalar, and VLIW architectures
  • Compiler and hardware support for hiding memory latencies
  • Support for correctness in hardware and software
  • Reconfigurable parallel computing
  • Dynamic translation and optimization
  • I/O issues in parallel computing and their relation to applications
  • Parallel programming languages, algorithms, and applications
  • Middleware and run time system support for parallel computing
  • Application-specific parallel systems
  • Distributed computing architectures and systems
  • Heterogeneous systems using various types of accelerators
  • In-core and in-chip accelerators and their exploitation
  • Applications of machine learning to parallel computing
  • Large scale data processing, including computing in memory accelerators
  • Insights for the design of parallel architectures and compilers from modern parallel applications

PACT for Quantum and Neurmorphic

  • Neuromorphic computing both as an application for and a tool applied to architectures and compilers
  • Quantum computing architectures and compilers.

In addition to the regular research papers, PACT 2024 has a special category of papers called “tools and practical experience” (TPE). Such papers are subject to the same page length guidelines and will be reviewed by the same Program Committee. TPE papers focus on applicability (such as traditional methods employed in emerging fields), exposing challenges and experiences the industry is facing as an opportunity to steer the research. A TPE paper must clearly explain its functionality, provide a summary about the practice experience with realistic case studies, and describe all the supporting artifacts available (if relevant). The selection criteria are:

  • Originality: Papers should present PACT-related technologies applied to real-world problems with scope or characteristics that set them apart from previous solutions.
  • Usability: The presented Tools or compilers should have broad usage or applicability. They are expected to assist in PACT-related research, or could be extended to investigate or demonstrate new technologies. If significant components are not yet implemented, the paper will not be considered.
  • Documentation: The tool or compiler should be presented on a web-site giving documentation and further information about the tool.
  • Benchmark Repository: A suite of benchmarks for testing should be provided.
  • Availability: Preferences will be given to tools or compilers that are freely available (at either the source or binary level). Exceptions may be made for industry and commercial tools that cannot be made publicly available for business reasons.
  • Foundations: Papers should incorporate the principles underpinning Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT). However, a thorough discussion of theoretical foundations is not required; a summary of such should suffice.

Submitting your work

Paper submissions are due March 27, 2024 by posting on the conference submission site. Please make sure that your paper satisfies all the following requirements before being submitted. Submissions not adhering to these submission guidelines will be rejected by the submission system and/or subject to an administrative rejection.

  • Mark TPE papers clearly by preceding their title with “TPE: ” both in the submission site and in the submitted pdf
  • The paper must have an abstract under 300 words.
  • The paper must be original material that has not been previously published in another conference or journal, nor is currently under review by another conference or journal. You may submit material presented previously at a workshop without copyrighted proceedings.
  • The submission is limited to ten (10) pages in the ACM 8.5” x 11” format (US letter size paper) using 9pt font, with no more than 7 lines per inch. This page limit applies to all content NOT INCLUDING references, and there is no page limit for references. Your paper must print satisfactorily on both Letter paper (8.5”x11”) and A4 paper (8.27”x11.69”). The box containing the text should be no larger than 7.15”x9” (18.2cm x 22.9cm). Templates are available on the ACM Author Gateway.
  • Paper submission is double-blind to reduce reviewer bias against authors or institutions. Thus, the submissions cannot include author names, institutions or hints based on references to prior work. If authors are extending their own work, they need to reference and discuss the past work in third person, as if they were extending someone else’s research. We realize that for some papers it will still reveal authorship, but as long as an effort was made to follow these guidelines, the submission will not be penalized.
  • Anonymized supplementary material may be provided in a single PDF file uploaded at paper submission time, containing material that supports the content of the paper, such as proofs, additional experimental results, data sets, etc. Reviewers are not required to read the supplementary material but may choose to do so.
  • Please make sure that the labels on your graphs are readable without the aid of a magnifying glass.
  • The paper must be submitted in PDF. We cannot accept any other format, and we must be able to print the document just as we receive it. We suggest that you use only the four widely used printer fonts: Times, Helvetica, Courier and Symbol.

Poster submissions must conform to the same format restrictions, but may not exceed 2 pages in length. Paper submissions that are not accepted for regular presentations will automatically be considered for posters; authors who do not want their paper considered for the poster session should indicate this in their abstract submission. Two-page summaries of accepted posters will be included in the conference proceedings.