Call for Papers:

SECRISC-V Workshop at ISPASS 2020

Abstract or Paper Registration Deadline
February 7, 2020
Final Submission Deadline
February 7, 2020

Workshop on Secure RISC-V (SECRISC-V) co-located with ISPASS 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
April 5-7, 2020

Submissions Due: February 7, 2020

The first international workshop on Secure RISC-V (SECRISC-V) architecture design exploration seeks original research papers on the design, implementation, verification, and evaluation of micro-architecture security features, hardware-assisted security techniques, and secure executions around the RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA).

Co-located with ISPASS 2020 – April 5-7, 2020 – Boston, Massachusetts

Submission of early work is encouraged. The RISC-V ISA based topics of specific interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Secure cores and multicores
  • ISA extensions for Security
  • Software and hardware obfuscation Techniques
  • Secure, efficient, and lightweight hardware implementations
  • Hardware security solutions for machine learning
  • Secure design for emerging applications: IoT, robotics, wearable computing
  • Architectural designs and hardware security solutions for HPC, Data Centersand cloud computing
  • Hardware virtualization and isolation for security
  • Hardware-Software co-design solutions: graph analytics,
  • Post-quantum cryptosystem designs
  • Quantum Computing
  • Neuromorphic Architectures
  • Blockchain enabled secure computing
  • Classic and Modern encryption algorithms and hardware support
  • Hardware security support for integrity and authentication, key distributionand management, and trust platform modules
  • Software and core authentication
  • Secure execution environment
  • Secure root of trust bios
  • Memory subsystem organization to secure data accesses
  • Network-on-Chip (NoC) security feature to process and compute isolationThe paper must be submitted in PDF format. The content of the submission is limited to four (4) pages – 8.5″x11″ single-spaced double-column.


  • Submission: February 7, 2020
  • Notification:  February 28, 2020
  • Final Version:  March 20, 2020Website: