Call for Presentations:

The 4th gem5 Users’ Workshop held with ISCA ’22

Abstract or Paper Registration Deadline
April 26, 2022
Final Submission Deadline
April 26, 2022

The gem5 User’s workshop will be held on Saturday June 18th 2022, in the afternoon session. We will have a series of 15 minutes presentations. These presentations are an opportunity for users of gem5 to present gem5-related work and foster discussion.

Presentations are solicited on a broad ranges of topics relating to gem5, including (but not limited to):

  • New gem5 features and models
  • Improved models.
  • Validation against real hardware.
  • Software engineering related to gem5.
  • Experiences using gem5.
  • Tools, visualizations, data analysis tools, etc.

If you wish to present at this year’s gem5 User’s workshop please provide a presentation proposal (a 1 page PDF) here: This is an in-person event. The presenter must attend the workshop.

The deadline for submitting a presentation proposal is April 26th with acceptance notifications sent out by May 9th.

The gem5 Tutorial will be held in the morning session and will focus on teaching those new to gem5 how to use the latest version. It will be “crash course” in gem5 and assume no prior knowledge of using computer architecture simulators. The tutorial will focus heavily on new features in gem5, such as the gem5 standard library, so may be suitable for those who have used gem5 before but wish to refresh their skills.

See for more information.