
WDDD 2016

Final Submission Deadline
April 22, 2016

12th Annual Workshop on Duplicating, Deconstructing and Debunking (WDDD)
Seoul, S. Korea
June 19, 2016
Abstract Submission: April 20, 2016
Paper Submission: April 22, 2016
Acceptance: May 14, 2016
Final Version: June 10, 2016
WDDD provides the computer systems research community a forum for work that
validates or duplicates earlier results; deconstructs prior findings by
providing greater, in-depth insight into causal relationships or correlations;
or debunks earlier findings by describing precisely how and why proposed
techniques fail where earlier successes were claimed, or succeed where failure
was reported.

Traditionally, computer systems research conferences have focused almost
exclusively on novelty and performance, neglecting an abundance of interesting
work that lacks one or both of these attributes. A significant part of
research–in fact, the backbone of the scientific method–involves independent
validation of existing work and the exploration of strange ideas that never
pan out. This workshop provides a venue for disseminating such work in our
community. Published validation experiments strengthen existing work, while
thorough comparisons provide new dimensions and perspectives. Studies that
refute or correct existing work also strengthen the research community, by
ensuring that published material is technically correct and has sound
assumptions. Publishing negative or strange or unexpected results will allow
future researchers to learn the hard lessons of others, without repeating
their effort.

This workshop will set a high scientific standard for such experiments, and
will require insightful analysis to justify all conclusions. The workshop will
favor submissions that provide meaningful insights, and identify underlying
root causes for the failure or success of the investigated technique.
Acceptable work must thoroughly investigate and communicate why the proposed
technique performs as the results indicate. WDDD has a unique tradition of
asking the original paper authors to provide a follow-up comment after the
WDDD paper has been presented, where appropriate. The follow-up comment may
take the form of a rebuttal or additional insight from the original authors.

In general, any topic that is of interest to computer architecture conferences
and related systems areas are of potential interest for WDDD, so long as the
paper is in the spirit of the themes of Duplication, Deconstruction, and/or

Topics of interest:
– Independent validation of earlier results with meaningful analysis
– In-depth analysis and sensitivity studies that provide further insight into
earlier findings, or identify key parameters or assumptions that affect the
– Studies that refute earlier findings, with clear justification and explanation
– Negative results for ideas that intuitively make sense and should work, along
with explanations for why they do not
– Validation/refutation of controversial advertising claims by industrial

Submit a manuscript of up to 10 pages in two-column format by April 22, 2016
using the submission website. https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wddd16

Murali Annavaram, USC
Karu Sankaralingam, University of Wisconsin – Madison
David Brooks, Harvard University
Gabriel Loh, AMD Research