Call for Papers:


Abstract or Paper Registration Deadline
August 26, 2022
Final Submission Deadline
August 26, 2022

Domain-specific accelerators (DSAs) require tremendous effort to achieve a working end-to-end system. These systems are often designed independently for different domains, despite sharing common needs across applications and systems programming, compiler and architectural support, as well as rapid prototyping and analysis of design metrics. This workshop aims to bring together experts from academia and industry to share their efforts in democratizing domain-specific accelerators.

We are interested in work that attempts to broaden support for general-purpose computing on recent DSAs. However, we also welcome submissions in general on DSAs and their infrastructure. This workshop is interested in but is not limited to the following topics.

  • Novel use cases of an accelerator where applications are outside accelerators’ original application domains.
  • Systems, programming, and software for democratizing domain-specific accelerators.
  • Architectural support for democratizing domain-specific accelerators.
  • Performance/power/energy evaluation/analysis of democratizing domain-specific accelerators.
  • Implications to future “democratized” accelerator design.