WNTC 2012 Workshop (with MICRO 2012)
October 15, 2012
Submitted by Radu Teodorescu
Workshop on Near-threshold Computing (WNTC)
held in conjunction with the International Symposium on Microarchitecture
(MICRO) 2012
Near-threshold computing (NTC) has emerged as a promising approach to achieving
an order of magnitude improvement in energy efficiency of microprocessors. The
key feature of NTC is to lower the supply voltage of chips to a value only
slightly higher than the threshold voltage. NTC lowers power consumption by an
order of magnitude or more. The reduction in power however comes with associated
costs and challenges that include low operating frequency, less reliable
operation of both logic and memory and much higher sensitivity to parameter
variability. Industry is actively investigating the technology and has produced
prototypes that show promising initial results. However, many challenges
remain before NTC becomes mainstream.
This workshop seeks original contributions on topics that include, but are not
limited to:
– Software/Architecture/Circuit solutions for addressing performance,
reliability or variability challenges in NTC.
– Novel applications of NTC in mobile systems,
high-performance/high-parallelism environments.
– Tradeoff analyses and performance/energy studies that help
identify new application domains for NTC.
– Other low-voltage techniques, designs, architectures.
In addition to regular presentations, the workshop will include half a day of
invited talks, tutorial presentations and a panel discussion.
– Radu Teodorescu, The Ohio State University
– Nam Sung Kim, University of Wisconsin
– Ulya Karpuzcu, University of Minnesota
Abstract deadline: Monday, October 8th
Submission deadline: Monday, October 15th
Acceptance notification: Monday, October 29th
Camera-ready: Friday, November 16th
Workshop: December 2nd
Amin Ansari, University of Illinois
David Brooks, Harvard University
Leland Chang, IBM
Steven Hsu, Intel
Ulya Karpuzcu, University of Minnesota
Nam Sung Kim, University of Wisconsin
Trevor Mudge, University of Michigan
Radu Teodorescu, The Ohio State University
Josep Torrellas, University of Illinois
All papers should be submitted in PDF format, double column, using 10 point or
larger font for text (8 points or larger for figures and tables), total length
not to exceed 6 pages. Submissions are anonymous; all identifying information
should be removed from the paper.
Submission information on the WNTC website: