
Workshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack

Final Submission Deadline
February 10, 2016

Submitted by Adrian Sampson

Workshop on Approximate Computing Across the Stack (WAX)
co-located with ASPLOS 2016
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
April 3, 2016
WAX is a venue for every aspect of approximate computing, including ideas from
architecture, circuits, devices, system design, compilers, programming
languages, and software-engineering practices. It’s an inherently
interdisciplinary topic, and so is WAX itself.

There are three ways to participate in WAX:
– Peer-reviewed position papers (which will have short talks at the workshop)
– Lightning talks
– Topic suggestions for a debate at WAX

The tentative deadline for position papers is February 10. See the full call
for participation at http://approximate.computer/wax2016/cfp/

Luis Ceze, University of Washington
Hadi Esmaeilzadeh, Georgia Tech
Adrian Sampson, Microsoft Research & Cornell
Ben Zorn, Microsoft Research