Workshop on Heterogeneous and Unconventional Cluster Architectures and Applications
June 10, 2015
Submitted by Holger Fröning
4th International Workshop on Heterogeneous and Unconventional
Cluster Architectures and Applications (HUCAA 2015)
In conjunction with IEEE CLUSTER 2015
Chicago, IL, USA
Sept. 8-11, 2015
The workshop on Heterogeneous and Unconventional Cluster Architectures
and Applications gears to gather recent work on heterogeneous and
unconventional cluster architectures and applications, which might
have an impact on future mainstream cluster architectures. This
includes any cluster architecture that is not based on the usual
commodity components and therefore makes use of some special hard- or
software elements, or that is used for special and unconventional
applications. In particular we call for GPUs and other accelerators
(Intel MIC/Xeon Phi, FPGA) used at cluster level. Even though
accelerators are already used pervasively, we still see many
unconventional and even disruptive uses of them.
This year, we especially call for methods, techniques and best
practices to improve the energy efficiency of cluster computing. This
includes for instance specialized hardware and power-/energy-aware
software layers. Power consumption is a hard constraint, and
predictions show that this trend will not revert in the future. For
the nascent field of power- and energy-aware computing, we see a
large need in sharing experiences, best practices and new ideas.
This year, HUCAA particularly calls for:
– New methods and techniques for improved energy efficiency
Papers submitted to this topic will be preferred given equal scores
with other contributions. However, HUCAA still welcomes contributions
to other topics, including:
– Clustered GPUs, Xeon Phis or other accelerators
– Runtimes for heterogeneous cluster architectures
– New industry and technology trends and their potential impact
– High-performance, data-intensive, and power-aware computing
– Communication methods for distributed or clustered accelerators
– Application-specific cluster and datacenter architectures
– Emerging programming paradigms for parallel heterogeneous computing
– Software cluster-level virtualization for consolidation purposes
– Hardware techniques for resource aggregation
– New uses of GPUs, FPGAs, and other specialized hardware
Paper submission: June 10th, 2015
Notification of acceptance: July 15th, 2015
Camera-ready paper: August 1st, 2015
Workshop: in between September 8-11, 2015 (final day TBD)
Published papers will appear in the conference proceedings.
Submissions may not exceed 8 pages in PDF format including figures and
references, and must be formatted in the 2-column IEEE format.
Submitted papers must be original work that has not appeared in and is
not under consideration for another conference or journal. Work in
progress is welcome, but first results should be made available as a
proof of concept. Submissions only consisting of a proposal will be
rejected. Please visit the workshop website for additional details.
Workshop Co-chairs:
– Holger Fröning, U. Heidelberg
– Federico Silla, U. Politécnica Valencia
Steering Committee:
– José Duato, U. Politécnica Valencia
– Sudhakar Yalamanchili, Georgia Tech
– Ulrich Brüning, U. Heidelberg
Program Co-chairs:
– Antonio Peña, Argonne National Lab, US
Program Committee:
– Tarek Abdelrahman, U. Toronto, Canada
– José Luis Abellán, Catholic University of Murcia, Spain
– Olivier Aumage, INRIA, France
– José María Cecilia, Catholic University of Murcia, Spain
– Javier Cuenca, U. Murcia, Spain
– Basilio Fraguela, U. Coruna, Spain
– Marc Gonzalez, U. Coruna, Spain
– Sascha Hunold, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
– Christos Kartsaklis, Oak Ridge National Lab, US
– Tomàs Margalef, U. Autonoma Barcelona, Spain
– Thu D. Nguyen, U. Rutgers, US
– Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, Queen’s University, Belfast, UK
– Won Ro, Yonsei University, South Korea
– Lena Oden, Argonne National Lab, US
– Dirk Pleiter, Research Center Jülich, Germany
– Antonio Robles, Technical University of Valencia, Spain
– Mingxing Tan, Cornell University, US
– Douglas Thain, U. Notre Dame, US
– Blesson Varghese, U. St Andrews, UK
– Prudence Wong, U. of Liverpool, UK
– Shuangyang Yang, Louisiana State University, US
HUCAA was previously co-located with ICPP (2012-2014). Due to HUCAA’s
strong focus on cluster architectures we decided to move to IEEE
Cluster for 2015.