Submitted by Niti Madan
ASPLOS is the premier forum for multidisciplinary systems research
spanning computer architecture and hardware, programming languages
and compilers, and operating systems and networking. The program
covers cross-cutting research spanning mobile systems to data
centers, targeting diverse goals such as performance,
energy efficiency, resiliency, and security.
The conference program (March 3rd-5th) features:
– 49 technical papers
– Two keynotes
– Inside Windows Azure: The Challenges and Opportunities
of a Cloud Operating System by
Brad Calder, Microsoft
– Neuromorphic Processing: A New Frontier in Scaling
Computer Architecture by
Jeff Gehlhaar, Qualcomm
– A debate
– Resolved: Specialized architectures, languages, and
system software should largely supplant general-purpose
alternatives within the next decade
Moderator: David Wood, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Pro: Edouard Bugnion (EPFL),
Christos Kozyrakis (Stanford University),
Kunle Olukotun (Stanford University)
Con: Chris Hughes (Intel),
Keshav Pingali (Univ of Texas at Austin),
Emmett Witchel (Univ of Texas at Austin)
– A Wild and Crazy Ideas (WACI) session featuring
– WACInote: RF-powered computing and communication
Josh Smith, University of Washington
– A poster session and lightning talk session for all accepted papers
ASPLOS Co-Located Events:
Saturday March 1st 2014
– ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on Virtual
Execution Environments (VEE)
– Workshop on Managing Overprovisioned Systems (W-MOS)
– 7th Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using
– 4th Workshop on Big Data Benchmarks, Performance
Optimization, and Emerging Hardware (BPOE-4)
– Tutorial: Towards Database Virtualization for Database as
a Service
– Tutorial: Pin Binary Instrumentation Tutorial
– Tutorial: Accelerating Big Data Processing with Hadoop and
MemCached on Datacenters with Modern Networking and Storage
– Tutorial: Analyzing Analytics for Parallelism
Sunday March 2nd 2014
– ACM SIGPLAN/SIGOPS International Conference on
Virtual Execution Environments (VEE)
– 5th Workshop on Determinism and Correctness for
Parallel Programs (WODET)
– 9th Workshop on Transactional Computing (TRANSACT)
– 1st Workshop on Approximate Computing Across the
System Stack (WACAS)
– Tutorial: System Analytics in the Cloud
– Tutorial: Concord: Homogeneous Programming for Heterogeneous
– Tutorial: Rigorous and Practical Server Design Evaluation
– Tutorial: Machine Learning on Big Data
– Tutorial: Multi2Sim – A Compilation and Simulation Framework
for Heterogeneous Computing