Call for Participation:

IISWC 2012

Early Registration Deadline
October 1, 2012

Submitted by Mark Gahagan
IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC 2012)
November 4th-6th 2012 – San Diego, CA

We would like to invite to attend and participate in the 2012 IEEE
International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC 2012).
IISWC is the premier international conference dedicated to the
understanding and characterization of workloads that run on all types
of computing systems. Whether they are PDAs/smartphones at the low
end or supercomputers at the high end, the design of future computing
machines can be significantly improved if we understand the
characteristics of the workloads that are expected to run on
them. IISWC 2012 will focus on characterizing and understanding these
modern computer applications.

Conference early registration deadline — October 1, 2012

Conference hotel registration deadline — October 1, 2012

Program Highlights:
Best Paper Session:
– Workload Characterization on a Production Hadoop Cluster:
A Case Study on Taobao, Zujie Ren et al. (Hangzhou
Dianzi University, Taobao, and Wayne State University)

– ECHO: Recreating Network Traffic Maps for Datacenters
of Tens of Thousands of Servers, Christina Delimitrou
et al. (Stanford University and Microsoft Research)

– Wireless Body Area Networks: Where Does the Energy Go?,
Sangwon Lee and Murali Annavaram (USC)

– BenchNN: On the Broad Potential Application Scope of
Hardware Neural Network Accelerators, Tianshi Chen et
al. (ICT – China, CEA – France, Univ of Wisconsin –
Madison, USTC – China, and INRIA – France)

Invited “Hot Workloads” Session:
– Analyzing the Facebook Workload, Sanjeev Kumar (Facebook)

– Multidimensional Dynamic Behavior in Mobile Computing,
Mehrdad Reshadi (Qualcomm)

– Virtualization for HPC, Joshua Simons (VMware)

– Clinical Decision Support: The Challenge of Big Data
and Big Computation, David Holmes III (Mayo Clinic)

Full Conference Program