Call for Participation:

LCTES 2023

Call for Participation
ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED International Conference on Languages, Compilers, Tools and Theory of Embedded Systems (LCTES 2023)
Co-located with PLDI and FCRC 2023
Orlando, Florida
June 18, 2023

LCTES provides a link between the programming languages and embedded systems engineering communities. Researchers and developers in these areas are addressing many similar problems but with different backgrounds and approaches. LCTES is intended to expose researchers and developers from either area to relevant work and interesting problems in the other area and provide a forum where they can interact.

This year’s program features a keynote by David Whalley (Florida State University), and presentations of eleven excellent full papers and three work-in progress papers covering a wide range of interesting topics.

Program details are available at

Information about registration and accommodation is available at

For questions about the program, please contact the program organizers. We look forward to your participation on June 18, 2023, in Orlando, Floria!

General Chair:
Bernhard Egger (Seoul National University)

Program Chair:
Dongyoon Lee (Stony Brook University)