Call for Participation:

Learning gem5 Tutorial

Learning gem5 Tutorial
in conjunction with HPCA 2017
Austin, USA
February 5, 2017

We will be holding a Learning gem5 Tutorial and a gem5 coding sprint at HPCA 2017 on February 5th in Austin, TX. The morning will consist of a “Learning gem5” half-day course. In the afternoon, we invite all gem5 developers senior, junior, and new developers to a “coding sprint.”

Morning: Learning gem5 tutorial is a half-day course on getting started with gem5. The goal is to leave the course with a solid foundation so you can be more productive using gem5 to explore your research aims. The main audience is first or second year computer architecture students who are interested in using gem5 for their graduate studies. Anyone who wants to learn basic gem5 best-practices are encouraged to attend.

Afternoon: During the gem5 coding sprint we will have a number of small projects that can be completed in an afternoon for developers to tackle. These are perfect opportunities to get started giving back to the gem5 community. We will pair senior developers with new contributors so you can get a feel for how the development community functions. Everyone is invited to participate.

Additional details can be found at the event web site.