Workshop on Reconfigurable Acceleration in Datacenters
May 12, 2018
June 12, 2018
2018 International Workshop on Reconfigurable Acceleration in Datacenters (ReconfigAccel)
in conjunction with ICS 2018
Beijing, China
June 12, 2018
You are invited to register and attend the ReconfigAccel 2018 workshop, co-located with ICS 2018 (International Conference on Supercomputing) in Beijing, China, June 12, 2018. Registration link:
The program features:
i) a keynote talk by Xilinx VP Dan Gibbons: “Adaptable Computing – The Future of Acceleration with FPGAs”
ii) 7 talks from top academic research groups working on this topic, including Cornell, ETH, Peking University, Tsinghua University, and ICT, CAS
iii) 5 talks from leading industry companies focusing on this area, including Microsoft, Alibaba, Baidu, Xilinx, and Falcon Computing.
These talks will cover three major topics of reconfigurable acceleration in datacenters: Novel Accelerators and Architectures, Tools and Infrastructures, and New Advances in Machine Learning.
A detailed program schedule is posted on the workshop website: