Submitted by Ronen Kat
You are invited to SYSTOR 2013, June 30 – July 2, 2013, Haifa, Israel.
Registration and attendance are FREE –
SYSTOR provides a forum for interaction across the systems and storage
community: international, academic, and industrial, for both students and more
established members. The program include high-quality experimental and
practical research papers encompassing all aspects of computer systems,
with an emphasis on storage.
PROGRAM is available on SYSTOR website
In addition to research papers, SYSTOR hosts distinguished keynote speakers,
highlighted papers from recent top conferences, a poster session, and social
and cultural activities. SYSTOR 2013 is being held back-to-back with the
ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA 2013)
in Tel Aviv.
o Brian Levine, University of Massachusetts Amherst.
“Fighting Internet-based Sexual Exploitation Crimes Against Children”
o Brian F. Cooper, Google.
“Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database”
o Thomas Gross, ETH Zurich.
“Big Data — Little Software?”
SYSTOR 2013 – Sponsored by Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
in cooperation with:
ACM SIGOPS, USENIX and the Technion Center of Excellence (TCE)
Industrial sponsorship from:
Google, IBM, Axcient, NetApp, EMC, HP, Riverbed, SAP and Intel