Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic – System Effects 2018
March 14, 2018
April 4, 2018
The 14th IEEE Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic – System Effects (SELSE)
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
April 3-4, 2018
Student travel grant application deadline: March 2, 2018
Early registration deadline: March 14, 2018
Discounted hotel room booking deadline: March 14, 2018
The growing complexity and shrinking geometries of modern manufacturing technologies are making high-density, low-voltage devices increasingly susceptible to the influences of electrical noise, process variation, transistor aging, and the effects of natural radiation. The system-level impact of these errors can be far-reaching especially in safety-critical applications like aerospace and automotive. Growing concern about transient errors, unstable storage cells, and the effects of aging are influencing system and application design. While the computational capabilities of emerging logic and memory device technologies are attractive for several safety-critical applications and new computing philosophies like deep learning become popular, they introduce several reliability challenges that need to be addressed. Additionally, reliability is a key issue for large-scale systems, such as those in data centers and cloud computing infrastructure. The SELSE workshop provides a unique forum for discussion of current research and practice in system-level error management. Participants from industry and academia explore both current technologies and future research directions.
We are now proud to announce the program for SELSE-14: This year’s program includes:
– Three keynote talks from resilience experts at Waymo, Intel Corporation, and NASA
– A panel discussion titled “What Resilience Will the Market Pay For?”
– An interactive poster session (one of the most popular sessions)
– A Random Access session where all the participants will be given an opportunity to present interesting ideas, observations, trends, and/or summaries of completed/on-going projects
The registration website is now open and the early registration deadline (for discounted rates) is March 14, 2018. As always, early student registrations rates are kept under $100 to encourage student participation.
Transportation and local information:
SELSE will be held on the Northeastern University campus. You can find more information about the venue and how to get there in the above link. We negotiated a discounted hotel room rate for SELSE participants with The Inn At Longwood Medical. A limited number of rooms are available at this rate until March 14, 2018 and can be booked at
Travel grants:
SELSE will be offering travel support to students, post-docs, and suitable faculty, for the third time, with the support of the IEEE. To apply, please send in your application in an email to Steven Raasch at by 11:59 PM (EST), March 2, 2018. Further details about the application procedure and who can apply can be found at