
An update from Joint Investigative Committee (JIC)

“ACM and IEEE have empaneled a Joint Investigative Committee (JIC) to investigate claims of potential breaches to the peer review process of the 2019 ISCA conference. The JIC consists of senior ACM and IEEE volunteers who are not directly related to the Computer Architecture community. A professional legal team and investigators are supporting them. The JIC is also cooperating with multiple, parallel related investigations by other organizations.

The JIC started its work in February 2020. They will be investigating the available evidence and seeking to discover any new information related to the alleged breach. This investigation is both active and ongoing.

The JIC will ultimately report its findings and recommendations to the ACM Publications Board. The ACM Publications Board may then refer that report to other groups within ACM for additional action.

Currently, we cannot comment on the details of the case or any of the evidence obtained to date. However, ACM leadership assures the community that we consider the potential wrongdoing as grave and will take appropriate actions based on any evidence exposed during the investigation.

ACM leadership understands that this process may be frustrating to those close to the case, including the ISCA community. However, we also want to be sure that the JIC has sufficient time to consider all available evidence carefully and identify any misbehavior that may have occurred.”

The previous JIC update, including details of the tip line, can be found here.