
Chisel Community Conference 2020, presented by CHIPS Alliance

Save the Date: Chisel Community Conference 2020, presented by CHIPS Alliance

Wednesday 1/29/2020 – Thursday 1/30/2020

WHAT: Save the Date for the third Chisel Community Conference (CCC20)

WHERE: Western Digital Milpitas Campus, 951 Sandisk Dr, Milpitas, CA 95035

WHEN: Wednesday 1/29/2020 – Thursday 1/30/2020

DETAILS: We are holding the third Chisel Community Conference, located at Western Digital’s Milpitas campus, on January 29-30, 2020 (more details forthcoming). Chisel is a hardware-construction language, hosted in Scala, and is used in both academia and industry to generate RTL for digital hardware. This will be the third event promoting the Chisel language, FIRRTL compiler, and associated software ecosystem, bringing together the community for multiple talks, tutorials, workshops and more.

IMPORTANT: Please sign up for the new chisel-announce group for all future details regarding CCC20, as well as other Chisel announcements! If your company is interested in sponsoring this event, please email for more details.

The Call for Contributions for CCC20 will be released in the upcoming week, and is open through Friday, December 6th. Submissions (talk or poster) will be a <750 word abstract and optional additional material.

We are excited to bring the Chisel community together to promote future collaborations and strengthen existing projects. Save the date!


The Chisel Admins