
Episode 18 of the Computer Architecture Podcast released! Featuring Guest Dr. Dan Sorin of Duke University

Computer Architecture Podcast: A series of conversations on cutting-edge work in computer architecture and the remarkable people behind it.

Announcing the release of Episode 18: Codesign for Industrial Robotics and the Startup Pivot,  featuring guest Dr. Dan Sorin, who is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Duke University, and a co-founder of Realtime Robotics. Dan is widely known for his pioneering work in memory systems. He has co-authored the seminal Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence, which has become a foundational resource for students and researchers alike. Dan’s contributions span from developing resilient systems that tolerate hardware faults to innovations in cache coherence protocols, and has been recognized by multiple best paper awards and patents. His work at Realtime Robotics has pushed the boundaries of autonomous motion planning, enabling real-time decision-making in dynamic environments.

Listen to the episode at Also available on your favorite podcast player — iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, etc.