Happy Hour with Architects!
“Happy Hour with Architects” is a Zoom session on different topics related to computer architecture. The quarantine and self-isolation have proved to be tough on many people. These sessions create a sense of community during this new normal mode of life. It is a platform to discuss and debate various topics and does not only focus on technical content. The sessions are all recorded and made available on YouTube.
Episode 1: Software-Based Microarchitectural Attacks
Daniel Gruss (@lavados), TUGraz,
Jon Masters (@jonmasters), VP Software, Nuvia
Episode 2: Virtual Conferences and PC Meetings
Natalie Enright Jerger (@nenrightjerger), University of Toronto,
Boris Grot, University of Edinburgh (@BorisGrot),
Episode 3: Persistent Memory (Coming soon!)
Steve Swanson, University of California at San Diego
Andy Rudoff, Intel