
Looking for more artifact evaluators for ASPLOS’20

Nomination Deadline
December 11, 2019

Dear all,

We have exciting and scary news about Artifact Evaluation at ASPLOS’20 (the ACM conferences on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems): we received a record number of 43 artifacts!

It’s really great to see such support for the reproducibility initiative. However, it also means that we need more evaluators than expected.

If you interested to help evaluate artifacts or would like to nominate senior PhD students, postdocs, researchers and engineers with related skills (particularly if they already participated in the past Artifact Evaluation) please send us the contact details and a few sentences about their related experience before the 11th of December:

* Grigori Fursin <>
* Vijay Janapa Reddi <>
* Thierry Moreau <>

You can find more information about the ASPLOS AE process and deadlines at .

Thank you for your help,

Grigori Fursin, Vijay Janapa Reddi and Thierry Moreau

ASPLOS AE organizers