
New Book – Parallel Processing, 1980 to 2020

Morgan & Claypool is proud to announce a recently published book in our Computer Architecture series.

Parallel Processing, 1980 to 2020

Robert Kuhn, Retired (formerly Intel Corporation),
David Padua, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
ISBN: 9781681739755 | PDF ISBN: 9781681739762 | Hardcover ISBN: 9781681739779
Copyright © 2021 | 190 Pages

This historical survey of parallel processing from 1980 to 2020 is a follow-up to the authors’ 1981 Tutorial on Parallel Processing, which covered the state of the art in hardware, programming languages, and applications. Here, we cover the evolution of the field since 1980 in: parallel computers, ranging from the Cyber 205 to clusters now approaching an exaflop, to multicore microprocessors, and Graphic Processing Units (GPUs) in commodity personal devices; parallel programming notations such as OpenMP, MPI message passing, and CUDA streaming notation; and seven parallel applications, such as finite element analysis and computer vision. Some things that looked like they would be major trends in 1981, such as big Single Instruction Multiple Data arrays disappeared for some time but have been revived recently in deep neural network processors. There are now major trends that did not exist in 1980, such as GPUs, distributed memory machines, and parallel processing in nearly every commodity device. This book is intended for those that already have some knowledge of parallel processing today and want to learn about the history of the three areas.