

Women in Computer Architecture (WICARCH) is designed to create a community for women studying and working in the field of computer architecture. Our goal is to promote women in computer architecture and increase visibility for their research and development contributions. We welcome participation from all women including students, post docs, industry researchers and developers and faculty members. To be listed in our directory, please click here.

Profiles of WICArch

The mission of this section is to profile women in computer architecture across many walks of our field, from [junior, senior] x [industry, academia].

If you would like to be profiled, would like to nominate someone to be profiled, or would like to write a profile, please let us know by wicarch-chair@acm.org

Mengjia Yan

Dr. Mengjia Yan is undoubtedly one of the most delightful people you will ever meet – smart, positive, exceedingly wise beyond her years, and the kind of person who can turn a frown upside down.  She was paired with me as a mentee at ISCA 2018, but I genuinely think that it is I who have benefited from the relationship.  These days, she is a new assistant professor at MIT, having recently completed her PhD at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2019.


WICArch Directory

We actively maintain a list of women working in the field of computer architecture.  The goal of this list is many-fold.  First, the list services as a resource for program chairs and conference organizers to identify women to serve in key technical roles such as keynote, panels and program committees.  Second, the list is designed to foster community and help women connect with other women in computer architecture.  This list can be used by current and potential graduate students to find advisors and mentors. Four profiles, selected randomly, are shown below.  We encourage you to browse the full directory.

Picture of Elaheh


Assistant Professor
University of California, Riverside
Personal URL

Research Statement

Elaheh Sadredini is an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at UC Riverside. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Virginia in 2019, advised by Professor Kevin Skadron, and she was a member at the Center for Research on Intelligent Storage and Processing in Memory (CRISP). Her research focus is on developing specialized, near-memory, and in-memory hardware accelerators for big data applications, including natural language processing, data mining, and bioinformatics. Her research has resulted in several publications at top-tier venues (such as MICRO, ASPLOS, HPCA, ICS, and KDD) and several patents and patent applications. Elaheh is the recipient of several awards, including the John A. Stankovic Graduate Research Award from the UVA Department of Computer Science for outstanding research in 2019 and the UVA International Students Office Graduation Award for Academic Excellence in 2019. She also received the best paper awards at the ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers in 2016, the “Best of CAL” award in 2019, and a nomination for the best paper award at IISWC’19, FCCM’20, and HPCA’20.


Accelerator-Based, Application-Specific and Reconfigurable Architecture, Architecture For Emerging Technologies and Applications, Processor, Memory, and Storage Systems Architecture
Picture of Hoda Naghibijouybari

Hoda Naghibijouybari

Assistant Professor
Binghamton University
Personal URL

Research Statement

Hoda Naghibijouybari is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at Binghamton University. She received her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of California, Riverside in 2020, working with Professor Nael Abu-Ghazaleh. Her primary research interests are in the area of computer architecture, and security. Her current research focuses on architecture support for security, microarchitectural attacks, GPU security, and heterogeneous systems. Her research has resulted in the discovery of new attacks that have been disclosed to GPU companies and received coverage from technical news outlets. Her paper on GPU security (published in CCS-2018) was selected for Top Picks in Hardware and Embedded Security in 2019.


Architectural Support For Security Or Virtualization
Picture of Esha Choukse

Esha Choukse

Microsoft Research
Personal URL

Research Statement


Architectural Support For Security Or Virtualization, Evaluation and Measurement Of Real Systems, Processor, Memory, and Storage Systems Architecture
Picture of Samira Khan

Samira Khan

Assistent Professor
University of Virginia
Personal URL

Research Statement

Samira Khan is an assistant professor at the University of Virginia. Her research focuses on Computer Architecture and Computer systems, especially building new systems by rethinking the traditional abstractions and redesigning system layers to adopt new technologies and enable future applications. Her group, Shiftlab thrives for "Paradigm Shift", and named after Thomas Kuhn's famous book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions".


Architecture For Emerging Technologies and Applications, Processor, Memory, and Storage Systems Architecture
We regularly organize a social gathering of women at the start of major architecture conferences (ISCA, HPCA, ASPLOS and MICRO).  These meet ups help newcomers to our conferences become better integrated in the community and reduce some of the pressure and intimidation they might feel at their first conference.  They provide great networking opportunities.  We hope to see you at the next one!
Would you like to attend a SIGARCH-sponsored event, but cannot because the cost of child-care is prohibitive? SIGARCH provides funds for a limited number of grants that support child care for members that would like to participate in a SIGARCH-sponsored event but are unable to do so without this support. SIGARCH provides financial assistance to subsidize a variety of child-care options. View details here.
Annually, we provide a brochure of upcoming female graduates in computer architecture. The goal of this brochure is to bring greater visibility to women on the job market and to celebrate their success as PhD students.

2018-2019 Candidates
2019 Candidates

Check out our WICARCH YouTube channel which features recorded technical talks by members of the WICARCH community.


We organize various initiatives to better connect women in computer architecture.

Join Our Mailing List

Our mailing list is maintained through ACM.  You can join in 3 easy steps:

1. Join SIGARCH/SIGMICRO (you don’t need to be a full ACM member — you can join a SIG only which is pretty cheap!)


2. Update your gender in your myACM account (create/activate account as needed)

Student members: if you log into myACM, you should see a “My Student Profile” on the left menu.  This is where you can specify gender.
Professional members: if you log into myACM, you should see a “My Professional and Technical Interest Profile” on the left menu you.  This is where you can specify gender.
3. Accept to receive emails from ACM:
In myACM, under “My Contact Information”, “Email Policy”, “Current preference” should have the box “Please send me ACM Announcements via email” checked.

Join Our Slack Channel

We offer an informal mentoring program through our slack channel (wicarch.slack.com).  Women at all career stages are encouraged to join.  The mentoring program provides an easy way to connect with other women and receive advice on a wide range of career and personal issues.

If you need assistance in joining our mailing list or slack channel, please send email to wicarch-chair@acm.org.

This website serves women in the field of computer architecture.
© 2021 SIGARCH.